
Purpose made software for the surveyor and engineer

莉卡·利斯卡德(Leica Liscad)


Available modules include:

Input and Output- 将数据传输到总站,数据记录仪,GPS和数字级现场测量设备以及软件系统,包括:

  • AutoCAD DWG
  • MicroStation DGN
  • landxml

测量现场测量软件- 使用总站和GNSS接收器的实时现场测量和放行。bob apple该图形接口专为小格式平板电脑而设计,将手指或手写笔操作与CAD型观看控件相结合。清楚地看到您的调查构建。Live Live可以让您在现场拥有办公软件的功能,因为您仍然可以访问所有其他Liscad功能。

Point Cloud- import, view, edit and digitise point cloud data. View point clouds in 3D to create point and line objects.

计算(COGO)- 可以使用计算模块来创建,编辑和检查点,线,多边形,文本和对齐方式来执行基于所选地图投影的完整大地坐标几何(COGO)计算。

最小二乘调整- 使用严格的最小二乘解决方案调整现场测量测量。调整水平和垂直控制的遍历或网络框架。

转型- 在任何投影之间转换,或计算最小二乘从坐标集转换。

数字地形建模(DTM)- 使用地理索引数据库实现了形成,以确保在任何大小的数据集上快速准确地形成三角形。一旦形成了数字地形模型,就可以在任何间隔内立即显示轮廓。

Profiles and Design- create and edit long section and cross sections for CAD output and end area volumes. The Profiles and Design module incorporates an impressive new condition-based system for easy generation of virtually any civil engineering and road design.

土方工程的数量- 计算表面之间的土方工程体积,确定表面交叉点,创建高度差数据集并计算平面或不规则表面之间的渐进式体积。

背景图像- import orthophotos, satellite images and maps that can be georeferenced to allow for correlation of raster images to vector geometry and for on-screen digitising.

3D可视化您的项目的——一个现实的三维视图。模型可以be coloured, textured or have background images draped over them. Individual triangles can be easily coloured or textured to give a realistic representation of the model.

资源编辑器- create or edit your own symbols, line styles and fonts for use in all the LISCAD modules.

CAD- application designed specifically for land surveyors and civil engineers to enhance the plan and map production process.




计算和输入/输出 - (输入/输出包含字段传输,数据转换和CAD输出)

调查包and Modelling


Survey Civil Pack

Survey Civil Pack and Profiles and Design

调查民用Pro Premium Pack
调查民用专业包, Adjustment, Transformations, Background Images and 3D Visualisation


Educational institutes can obtain an education license to include all modules and run stand alone or a network with 10 or more users at a time.

Upgrades: Upgrades from any previous versions are possible

Liscadis available in

  • English (UK and US)
  • 荷兰
  • Finnish
  • 法语
  • German
  • 韩国n
  • 俄语
  • Spanish

For more information on LISCAD, including technical details, or to download a free 14 days evaluation license, visit theLiscad网站

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