Leica MC1

3D machine control software for your construction site


为了支持重型建筑行业的数字化,Leica Geosystems为所有机器控制解决方案提供了革命性的软件平台。Leica MC1合并所有机器应用程序是指导和自动化所有重型施工机的所有软件解决方案平台。

Comparing the design model to the actual position of the machine’s cutting edge, such as the bucket or blade edge, MC1 machine control software assists the operator to position the machine to achieve the planned design. MC1 software automatically controls the position of the machine’s cutting edge, increasing efficiency for operators on construction sites.

Leica MC1由坚固的硬件平台携带Leica MCP80panel andMDS Series docking station, ensuring an interchangeable panel between machines on a job site. The new MC1 platform is fully integrated into the heavy construction workflow, supported by the cloud-basedLeica ConXproductivity platform for more efficient management of heavy construction projects.


MC1 software simplifies design data handling and is open to all standard design data types, enabling a flexible dataflow to support common workflows on a job site. All machinery on the construction site, as well as Leica Geosystems’ field solutioniCON site, are now running on the same design data structure, meaning that no data conversion is required. Furthermore, a seamless data transfer between machines, field units within the job site and office are guaranteed.





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Leica ConX

Real-time data-sharing for an entire construction project.

Leica Icon GPS 70和Leica Icon CC80现场控制器,采用橙色安全性的重型建筑工人进行倾斜的杆子。

Leica iCON gps 70

最终的GNSS Rover和田间解决方案,可提高效率。倾斜补偿功能允许每天更高的点测量值。加速 - 随时随地。


Machine Control Panel
