Leica Infinity:如何执行网络调整

Leica Infinity

使用Leica Infinity,您可以使用GNSS,TPS和水平观测值或它们的任何组合来调整测量网络。预先分析和循环计算用于对观测值的初始检查。内部受限调整提供了有关观测质量的有用信息,而控制点可以用于限制调整。所有这些都可以帮助您提高工作的精度和信心,而这必须是正确的!


Import, visualise and prepare adjustment data


  • Use Shift-Rotate-Scale to move the TPS data to fit the GNSS data and control points.
  • 运行所有可能的角度创建redu集ced TPS observations that will be used in adjustment.
  • 在图形视图中放大,旋转和锅,以获取组合网络的概述。



要运行预分析,请从调节色带棒中进行选择运行前分析-3D。您可以为结果创建一个综合报告,为您提供丢失或有问题的数据的概述。预动作可以确定网络中可能的弱点,检测无法解决的未知数并检查输入数据。运行计算循环 - 调整功能带杆的3D在进行调整之前检查任何不耐受的环路错误。



Once the data is checked, run an inner-constrained adjustment by clicking Run Full 3D Adjustment from the Adjustment Ribbon bar. Create an adjustment report to check for possible outliers among the observations. Remove the outliers and re-run an inner-constrained adjustment until all observations are within the defined tolerances of accuracy and reliability.



When the outliers have been removed, navigate to the Define Coordinate Constraints side tab of the Adjustments tab in the Inspector and fix the control points in 2D and 1D. Run Full 3D Adjustment from the Adjustment ribbon bar. Create an adjustment report to check for possible outliers among the control points. Remove the outliers and re-run a constrained adjustment until all control points are within the defined tolerances of accuracy and reliability.

第4部分:Watch the video to learn how to fix control points and run constrained adjustment

Leica Infinitysimplifies combining the data from all sources and allows to work with 1D (level), 2D and 3D adjustments. Adding an adjustment to your workflows helps you improve the precision and reliability of your data.


Anargyros martardis
Leica Geosystems

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