Leica UltraUtility Detection and Tracing System

Precision locating for faster more confident results

Leica Ultra定位器

节省时间,提高效率,通过Leica Ultra System对您的成绩获得更大的信心高级精确定位系统


Integrating intelligent signal processing with unique flexible operating modes, Leica ULTRA System locates buried utility lines accurately for safe underground excavations and utility surveys. Outstanding performance with operational ease and flexibility.

Specific optimisation for the utility locating industry

  • 具有挑战性的环境的配置
    优化仪器以克服最具挑战性和最复杂的现场条件。Leica Ultra System定位器可以为不同的项目环境配置,并且具有100多个可编程操作频率。程序模式可以调整机上电路以重复提供改进的精度结果。
  • Best frequencies in congested environments
    When working in congested environments, the Leica ULTRA System incorporates Ambient Interference Measurement (AIM), which digitally analyses the surrounding area for noise and recommends the best frequencies for accurate results.
  • 访问障碍时找到公用事业
    总会有一个掩埋的实用程序靠近或下面的障碍物。通过偏置测量,leica Ultra系统在无法从上方直接访问时可以定位目标线。唯一功能允许软件计算水平偏移量(向用户显示),并且该功能使用可用数据来估算水平和水平和垂直(深度)距离。
  • Transmitter to receiver link
    直接从接收器中控制发射器,并在Leica Ultra Systm接收器和发射器之间使用蓝牙通信链接。节省时间并通过简单地控制接收器的发射器来提高效率,而不再向前走路以更改设置。
  • 清除高对比度和背光LIE LCD显示
    LCD display is visible in all conditions, including direct sunlight.大型显示可确保对通过指南针功能,指导箭头,信号强度和独特的Sonde指南指导的最大信心,以确保始终确保最大的信心。
  • GNSS & GIS integration
    A unique feature to the Leica ULTRA System allows the user to connect to two utilities at the same time and remotely switch between dedicated assigned frequencies saving time required to locate multiple services.
  • Dual-output connectivity
    将Leica Ultra System与定制映射软件集成到GNSS RTK校正,以提供真正的单人数据捕获解决方案,并实时回到基本功能,以实现接近即时映射功能。
  • 12瓦发射器输出
  • 卓越的电池寿命
    使用碱性电池 - 发射器100小时,接收器-30小时。

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