使用Leica AP20载体加速您的施工工作流程

Expert insight on Leica AP20 AutoPole, the world's smartest pole.

为了介绍AP20载体及其对建筑专业人员的许多好处,我们采访了Leica Geosystems产品经理Shane Oeangan。具有专家知识图标总站bob apple图标现场软件,他提供有关如何通过将AP20载体集成到目前的机器人全站工作流程来提高生产率的见解。

Shane,感谢您抽出宝贵的时间帮助我们了解这一新产品。您可以从描述Leica AP20载体开始吗?

Leica AP20载体是一个智能系统,可让您更快地工作,同时减少与施工相关的任务的错误。智能传感器模块与新的AP反射杆的组合可以使使用机器人总站工作的任何人都有三种不同的强大可能性bob applefield controllers: the ability to identify individual targets, automatic pole height readings and measuring with a tilted pole.


To answer this, let’s take a closer look at those three powerful possibilities I mentioned.

我们的机器人总站和bob apple多阶段already detect what is (and what is not) a target, but with the AP20 AutoPole’sTargetID功能,他们可以检测目标是您的目标(移动还是固定)是您的目标。棱镜目标是唯一确定的,可以防止总站锁定到其他目标上。这会提高您的生产力,例如,在使用您的Leica iCON iCR80在一个繁忙的建筑工地上,在同一区域有多个传感器。

Thanks to a feature called电流, the AP Reflector Pole automatically measures its own height, checks for changes and applies them in Leica iCON orLeica Captivate现场软件。这意味着您将不再需要阅读,检查和输入现场的高度变化,从而在使用3D数据时删除了高程布局和测量值的潜在错误。

最后,倾斜补偿enables you to perform point layout measurements with a tilted pole. With no need to level the pole and hold it stable when measuring, you can speed up the process and be confident in your measurements. For even more accuracy, simply flip the pole to have the prism and AP20 AutoPole closer to the surface, making the pole solution even more versatile that before. Then we add the possibility to easily measure obstructed or hidden points, that previously required the user to move the total station to be able to measure the, and with the confidence that the tip of the pole is always the point measured.

AP20载体的真正独特之处在于,这三个功能在一个单个智能系统中可用,这意味着通过将其添加到阵容中,您可以在现有的高端总站,多站,控制器,控制器和bob apple目标。它恰好适合并简化您已经拥有的工作流程。


简单回答是不。使用AP20载体,我们希望您能够使用我们提供的所有基于杆的目标,并具有灵活性和选择在需要时交换这些目标。AP20载体还支持所有现有的Leica Icon Pole尖端配件,例如在使用软材料(例如湿混凝土,干燥的污垢和沙子)工作时,在混凝土上快速停车的中心打孔器或倾斜板。

您能描述Leica AP20载体将使建筑专业人员受益的应用程序吗?

Digital workflows in construction are essential to drive efficiency and productivity. The AP20 AutoPole removes the last analogue steps in the robotic total station workflow, bringing benefits to nearly all areas of both building and heavy construction. Construction sites are busy and dynamic. When working in environments with multiple sensors, the AP20 AutoPole’s TargetID builds on our industry leading ATR tracking technology to ensure that the instrument only locks onto your target. This applies whether you are working on a busy deck for building or a road project in heavy construction.



您是否想了解有关Leica Caintivate软件调查应用程序的Leica AP20载体的更多信息?阅读我们的调查专家洞察力or visit the respectiveLeica AP20载体页面

Shane O'Regan,
Product Manager
Leica GeosystemsAG

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