Transforming ruins to 3D models

Case study

Author:Reka Vasszi


digitally document并保存酒神巴克斯的神庙的威严for further generations, master students of the Surveying Engineering Department at the Lebanese International Universitycaptured the temple in 3D

“We used a new automatic digital 3D terrestrial laser scanning technique to create a 3D model of the Temple of Bacchus. Using theLeica ScanStation P30黎巴嫩国际大学的穆罕默德·阿布德(Mohammad Abboud)说:“使我们能够有效,迅速捕获寺庙并开发可用于翻新和虚拟现实(VR)应用的3D模型。”

Identifying layers of history


从12世纪到14世纪,包括巴克斯神庙在内的圣所建筑群被合并为大型城堡,成为巴尔贝克中世纪强化的一部分。尽管随后的建筑层有助于维护古董建筑,但区分这种内在环境的阶段是一个挑战。Archaeologists conduct a complex analysis with modern technology to reconstruct the ancient city并确定在后来的中世纪增加下构成古罗马定居点的不同历史层和材料。

Despite the continuous reconstruction of the ancient city, the Temple of Bacchus suffered from theft, war and earthquakes through the centuries. An earthquake in 1759 greatly damaged the structure of the temple. Since the ancient Roman city is located in an area prone to earthquakes, it is important to monitor the structures and identify the possible movements to ensure the safety of visitors and preserve the temple.


Laser scanning conducted by surveying engineering students at Lebanese International University proved to be an accurate and effective solution to collect precise data in a limited amount of time and allowed researchers to present archaeology to the public in a unique way—through 3D models and interactive digital applications

The team captured a point cloud using theLeica ScanStation P30。The engineering students then processed the data in the office with Leica气旋REGISTER 360 3D point cloud processing software to register and clean the data from which a surface mesh was extracted. The point clouds provided valuable metric data to produce a detailed 3D model of the Temple of Bacchus.

In addition to the激光扫描, to collect more detailed information,空中摄影测量法was used to capture panoramic photos of the Temple of Bacchus and its surroundings.

With the help of geometric analysis, terrain modelling, photogrammetry, and 3D laser scanning, the traditional research methods of archaeologists and building researchers is supplemented with precise digital information.

Comparing traditional and modern technology

Traditional methods, such as GPS devices are more time-consuming and do not capture information in 3D. Traditional 2D drawings are limited in describing exact locations of geometries in a 3D space, and often present the ideal of a space, more so than the reality. Total stations are reliable and capable of collecting 3D data, however, lack the density of points to support 3D visualisation.

但是,考古站点的重建需要激光扫描可以提供的数据密度。3D数据文档可以利用传统的调查技术确保数据的准确性和准确的全球定位。该数据使自己建立信息建模(BIM)和其他可视化技术create a complex digital database, which serves as a base for future restoration or reconstructionof the Temple of Bacchus if needed.


Heritage preservation is a continuous process, that包括文档,分析,监视,恢复和保护。我们的文化遗产珍宝,例如巴克斯神庙,脆弱,容易受到环境和人类危害的影响。数字化建筑环境的这些雄伟的例子可以用来保存原始地点,并创建原始环境的存在该网站的数字记录可以在未来很长时间访问

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SkontaktujsięZ Nami,AbyUzyskaćWięcejinformacji na temat nasate naszej ofertydotyczącejskanowania laserowego。
SkontaktujsięZ Nami,AbyUzyskaćWięcejinformacji na temat nasate naszej ofertydotyczącejskanowania laserowego。

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