
多米尼加共和国的Pueblo Viejo Gold Mine是Barrick Gold和Gold Corp.之间的合资企业,分别持有60%和40%的所有权。该矿山由巴里克·金(Barrick Gold)经营,2013年是该矿山的第一年生产一年。有效的车队管理和生产优化是当务之急。

在任何行业中,车队管理的重点是捕获,衡量和控制。bob体育报道Hexagon Mining的车队管理系统Jigsaw Jmineops通常用于优化移动采矿设备的实时调度和调度。车队管理系统(FMS)提供的信息可以更好地控制运营和生产。JmineOps优化和中央设备跟踪,调度和诊断,确保可以定向活动和操作员,可以确认材料运动,并可以监视机器健康。

Pueblo Viejo在2011年1月购买了整个Jigsaw软件,并正在运行Jmineops,Jview和Jhealth。在坑中,它已经实施了Jtruck,并在铲子/装载装置,生产爆炸钻,黑道和田径斗车上高精度的J²Guidance。

“One of the biggest benefits of the Jmineops system is the amount of data it captures,” said Shane Boak, former FMS Administrator at Barrick Gold. “Everything that’s happening in the pit, in the mining environment, whether it be time-based information, where the material is being picked up, where it’s getting dumped, who’s operating the equipment, how fast it’s going, or what’s happening with the engine.”

软件 +硬件=采矿解决方案
除JmineOps外,Hexagon Miningbob体育报道的互补软件模块和硬件组件还提供了更精确的测量,增强的操作逻辑以及更宽的设备使用范围(ROM)流程。通用硬件平台(UHP)还允许在同一系统中进行更多的OEM独立接口选项和集成潜力,以实现进一步的设备诊断,维护和生命周期管理。


Hexagon Mining’s business intelligence (BI) suite for reporting and analytics, Jigsaw Jview, is then used to expand data collection and information management into knowledge. This improves processes, production efficiency and management decisions, all of which helps the mine stay on budget and achieve or exceed goals.





Boak说:“ JView使起草报告,向经理展示,获取反馈,然后重新设计报告以提出所需的自定义信息,从而轻松起草报告。”“我们在许多领域使用这些系统。最近的一个项目是正在寻找可视化信息。数据表是一回事,我们需要不同的观点。将其放置在视觉上下文中,然后操纵场景,我们可以看到数据的关系并给予很多好处,速度更快。”


“Accidents on the mine site are the last thing anyone wants, but when they do happen, it is important to analyse what was happening in the lead up to the event,” said Boak. “Jmineops combined with Jhealth and use of conditional virtual alarms, operational sensor context and snapshots, make it possible to determine use of brakes, gear selection, and engine throttle position, giving you a black box type analysis around many situations.”

Data from Jmineops’ general equipment time use and availability can also be analysed to identify areas of improvement in planning. This allows for transparent decisions by management, shift supervisors, and maintenance crews concerning equipment use, rotation, and requirements throughout operations. Tracking these details to reduce idle time, fuel burn, engine hours, tire wear and other metrics increases efficiency and saves time and money.

Besides maintaining a consistent material feed to the mill through shovel and truck production, other critical operations benefit from FMS and BI. Drill and blast (D&B) can directly affect production as well as haul road maintenance, construction and material stockpile supervision.

“在大多数采矿环境中,D&B是一条关键的道路,” Boak说。“每天我们都有钻孔进行钻孔,主管需要知道这个过程已经有效,钻探模式的进度,孔定位的准确性和深度控制的详细信息,甚至是可消耗的磨损。当爆炸发生时,碎裂分布至关重要,整个D&B过程会导致材料去除和压碎。这样的工具使这些信息更容易让主管看到。”


Convenient data for immediate action
Pushing information to the field has always been a challenge. Jview is a simple, flexible platform that is extendable and allows customisation to content delivery across the operation. Supervisors get the information they need to make decisions on the spot, out in the field. Data can now be pushed out more efficiently to smart phones, tablets and 3G networks. Interface layout and design is important because visualisation differs between devices. Visual analysis improves discovery, interpretation, and insight. Matching content with users’ skills and purpose enhances interactivity and engagement.

“The goal is to make the information more manageable and accessible to people out in the field,” said Boak. “Not everyone can always be in the dispatch center, or even in their own office to look at information on those computers. We issue our shift supervisors tablets and they are able to pull up reports while they move around the mine.”


然后,组织将将员工的体验智慧与引人入胜的自助信息交付工具相结合:解决问题,发现异常并采取行动。运营必须继续培养一种以数据为基础的文化,该文化设想新的业务规则,实现信息的价值并使用这些工具增长。通过使用这些系统的数据以及增强或实施新的过程和过程来获得知识。此方法通过使FMS功能中的新功能和增强功能参与用户来测试并验证当前过程,指标和过程。结果 - 将数据转换为信息,从而导致可行的见解和知识,从而获得更好的控制。从调度员到分析师,再到管理人员,拼图都可以提高问题的解决,而不是仅仅数据使用,从而使您可以控制环境,发现信息并获得知识。


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