Laser scanning from heights

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Author:Renata Barradas

Laser scanning has revolutionised the surveying profession in the recent years. With the possibility to capture large amounts of data in a relatively short time,3D激光扫描仪是收集数据的必备仪器,以产生从简单的地形调查到3D模型的输出,以保留文化遗​​产。

As processes digitise and businesses digitalise, surveyor firms around the world, likeScan&Go, are adapting new technologies to offer better, faster and more specialised services to their clients. In collaboration with Leica Geosystems, Scan&Go, an Italian company leader in the field of topography and 3D high-definition survey, performed a functional test of its vehicle/tripod installation for 3D laser scanning using theLeica RTC360 3D laser scanner


实现faster and more effective use of terrestrial laser scanners, Scan&Go creates systems that can be installed on any type of vehicle or on a pneumatic pole to allow easy movement between scan sessions and ensure greater measurement range.

安装在扫描和GO系统上,RTC360捕获在2 million points per secondCastelvetro迪摩德纳的中心,意大利,在辊筒y a few minutes. The Scan&Go team mounted the RTC360 on Scan&Go’s level lift roof and automatic LP16R leveller. For the first scan, the team captured the centre of Castelvetro di Modena from a3米高。The remaining three scans were done at a距地面6米使用扫描和GO车辆安装。

“扫描仪的高度允许克服存在的障碍物,并增加扫描范围及其测量准确性,”explained Cristina Valchuk, sales manager at Scan&Go.“所有扫描都是完美平整的 - 这消除了垂直变化。我们对测试的满意度很高。这种方法可确保操作员的安全性和仪器在现场的安全性,并提高RTC360的生产率。”

The aim of the test was to验证新的RTC360的潜力,并结合用于移动“停止”和“ GO”模式的激光扫描的扫描和GO系统with the instrumentation installed on the vehicle. The Scan&Go team also wanted to test the视觉惯性系统的正确功能(VIS),在现场执行自动点云的注册,其速度高于步行的速度。点云收集在车速范围从10到20公里并实时注册使团队感到惊讶。

“使用RTC360获得的结果非常好。在扫描过程中,系统非常稳定,可确保最大的测量精度。”瓦尔丘克说。“It is very fast because the 3D laser scanner is mounted on the vehicle and you do not have to disassemble anything during the movements between one scan and the other.”

From raw data to smart data

Point clouds are only a set of data points in space until stakeholders can visualise and interact with them. 3D models obtained from the point clouds help to inform the perception of reality and provide a georeferenced digital base for operations. Scan&Go creates 3D models for their clients so they can document, manage, renew or maintain any assets or environments. After post-processing data with旋风寄存器360,专家创建了Castelvetro Di Modena的3D模型。

Designed with simple and highly automated workflows in mind, theRTC360解决方案使用Edge Computing实时将扫描数据传输到平板电脑and automatically processes the scan data to provide实时质量控制和该领域的数据注册。

自动预注册,扫描与GO团队立即可立即使用高质量的点云。质量保证和完整性检查也在现场进行,使用平板电脑上的Cyclone Field 360移动应用程序。这降低了现场数据捕获过程的复杂性,并在现场和办公室中节省了团队成员的时间since they were able to leave the project site with a pre-registration that can be finalised in Cyclone REGISTER 360 much more quickly than raw scan data. Scan&Go is aware that time savings, workflow simplifications and productivity gains automatically translate into increased profits and accelerated paybacks.

Reality capture systems from Geosystems提高专业人员绘制,地理位置,捕获和提取功能的灵活性和流动性在限制区域中的LIDAR或摄影测量毫米精度in an extremely agile and fast way.

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