防御and Situational Awareness


Challenging operational conditions in difficult terrain, under adverse weather conditions and round-the-clock mission readiness demand an active and passive observation and reconnaissance capability for every situation. This is particularly important for rapid reaction forces, which need to adapt to different environments and situations at short notice.


Reconnaissance and entity assessment must match the actual situation


GNSS技术可以提供厘米级的准确性INS秒。全球拥有超过4,500个参考站,HxGN SmartNetis the world's largest Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) correction service provider. Local support, reliable service, 24/7 maintenance and a dense network ensures high-precision data whenever it is needed. In locations where SmartNet is not available, SmartLink provides an alternative to ensure accurate positioning.

Situational awareness and continuous area coverage

Situational awareness is a critical skill for commands, customs, military and border patrol personnel, who must make quick decisions under high-pressure and high-stakes circumstances. A lack of proper mission planning and insufficient environmental detail can lead to a hazardous undertaking in a challenging environment.

Our technologies support customs, border patrol and military customers with improving situational awareness and continuous coverage of the surroundings. Our comprehensive 3D data intelligence helps the command centers to make informed decisions, relieving the pressure of the personnel on in the field, and better protecting the safety of the rapid response teams, military personnel and the citizens they serve.

Real-time geospatial intelligence in defence applications

The understanding of geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) and information is a key enabler for military forces. As new intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) platforms and sensors come online, military forces worldwide face daily challenges to collect, analyze, and disseminate an ever-increasing volume of rich imagery and intelligence products. Hexagon’s国防解决方案help transform complex data into meaningful information necessary for informed, mission-critical decision making.


Teleoperation beyond the line of sight in hazardous environments for safe and continuous area coverage


Capture the scene with the best-in-class 3D laser scanner Leica RTC360 on world’s most advanced four-legged robot

Our state-of-the-art reality capture solution for military applications combines Boston Dynamics agile mobile robot Spot with theRTC360 3D laser scanner

Teleoperation of RTC360 and Spot beyond line of sight displays images from Spot’s cameras on the controller.

Scanning time spent by human operators is significantly reduced by programming the devices to repeat automated scanning paths through sites. This requires minimal monitoring by the user, allowing for increased scanning efficiency and flexibility when planning reality capture tasks.

The solution can be deployed in hazardous environments ensuring the safety of the operator.


Manage the data with Leica Cyclone FIELD 360 and Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360

Captured scan data is visualised and pre-registered directly in the field in real-time with the旋风场360app, allowing users to check data completeness onsite.

Quickly post-process 3D environments in the office withCyclone REGISTER 360软件。

Versatile and wearable mobile mapping solution for gathering location intelligence


Versatile and wearable platform for indoor and outdoor 3D documentation with the Leica Pegasus:Backpack

ThePegasus:Backpackis a disruptive wearable system enabling to capture realities faster, spending less time in the field and makes the data capture efficient. The wearable reality capture solution enables to make quick and informed decisions in fast-changing, challenging and hostile environments.

Use the point clouds and imagery to produce centimetre-accurate 3D models and maps of streets and buildings; floor plans and elevation models; 2D and 3D data of existing evacuation/egress routes, and more. These deliverables can be used in the analysis of existing above and underground emergency evacuation procedures and scenarios.

最终为accur车载传感器平台ate mission planning, data collecting, integrated quality reporting and online publishing



ThePegasus:Two Ultimate是一个移动传感器平台,捕获要安装在车辆,火车或船上的高质量数据。

Pegasus:Two Ultimate allows for information capture in a variety of lighting conditions and vehicle speeds. A higher dynamic range is enabled by a large sensor to pixel ratio and a dual-light sensor. Photogrammetry and image quality are improved with the increased side camera resolution of 12MP and onboard JPEG compression.


Manage your information with the Leica Pegasus:Manager software for mobile mapping

Pegasus:Manager是用于处理,分析和提取从点云和图像获得的功能的单个桌面应用程序Leica Pegasus移动映射系统。由不同的模块组成,它可以使量身定制的软件套件与您的操作重点或任务范围保持一致。准确的任务计划,数据处理,自动化功能提取,集成质量报告和在线出版使Pegasus:经理成为高精度可交付成果的有效的单个工作流程。


使用Leica Pegasus提供信息:WebViewer数据共享工具

ThePegasus:WebVieweris the new web browser independent data sharing platform for mobile mapping data captured with Leica Geosystems mobile sensor platforms. Share your data at anytime from anywhere.

将数据存储在WebViewer服务器上的云中,通过在WebViewer Server上管理的用户选择的安全配置文件提供数据安全性。您可以控制谁可以访问哪些数据以及访问级别。

Smart Surveillance solution for detection and intrusion protection


Smart threat detection and intrusion prevention with Leica BLK247



Manage the data with Accur8vision



Deliver the results/reports with Smart Surveillance System

增加对安全系统的整体信心。监视整个空间360°水平X 270°垂直视野覆盖范围,并使用3D地理申请定义特定的监视区域。定义警报区。根据您的需求灵活更改保护区。为机场或港口的卸货和装载或登机区提供安全性,在该空间中无法安装围栏和侵害驻栅栏和室内。监控人的运动并防止可能入侵。



Capture environments in 3D as you move

TheLeica BLK2GOhandheld imaging laser scanner is a lightweight, easy-to-use mobile mapping solution that’s ideal for reconnaissance purposes. It combines two-axis LiDAR with SLAM spatial awareness technology andVisual Inertial System (VIS)technology to accurately track the scanner’s movement and simultaneously unify point clouds while recreating complex spaces with unprecedented speed.


Manage and deliver the data with integrated Leica BLK2GO software

Send your data into point cloud compatible software and create models, highly accurate 2D floorplans, perspectives and vantage points and other deliverables specific to your work. With the integratedCyclone REGISTER 360 (BLK Edition)借助自动注册,精确的视觉对齐,易于清理以及多个可视化和导出选项,您可以查看,检查,飞行3D点云以及对周围环境的沉浸式可视化。


The Leica Aibot put through its paces by the British military


Demonstrating GPS anti-jam technology with the Light Dragoons



Needing to protect personnel and infrastructure, Fort Bragg deployed Hexagon’s solution to provide advanced perimeter security, deliver real-time security information for quick decision-making, and integrate multiple sensors.
Needing to protect personnel and infrastructure, Fort Bragg deployed Hexagon’s solution to provide advanced perimeter security, deliver real-time security information for quick decision-making, and integrate multiple sensors.




Our know-how serves Public Safety professionals worldwide and redefines the way law enforcement personnel manage incident and scene investigation, evidence gathering, and forensic mapping.
Our know-how serves Public Safety professionals worldwide and redefines the way law enforcement personnel manage incident and scene investigation, evidence gathering, and forensic mapping.



