
Case study

作者:Renata BarradasGutiérrez

莱茵河是欧洲的主要河流之一,来自格里斯森广州瑞士阿尔卑斯山的来源。高山莱茵河谷(Alpine Rhine Valley)沿着莱茵河(Rhine)从瑞士的来源延伸到90公里,并通过列支敦士登(Liechtenstein)到奥地利。山谷有毁灭性洪水事件的历史,可以追溯到11世纪。如今,大约30万人居住在莱茵河下部和许多公司,包括Leica Geosystems,在该地区蓬勃发展。由于莱茵河谷的强烈人口和重大经济活动,重大洪水事件的破坏潜力估计为100亿欧元。

To protect people, settlements, and as economic activities in the Valley, more room for flood runoff and water retention needs to be given to the Alpine Rhine. Therefore, the flood protection project “Rhein – Erholung und Sicherheit” (“Rhine - Recreation and Safety”) – or shortRhesi- seeks to increase the flow capacity of the Alpine Rhine from 3,100 m³/s to at least 4,300 m³/s on the international stretch between kilometre 65 at the junction of the tributary river Ill and km 91, where the Alpine Rhine discharges into Lake Constance. The project costs, funded equally by Austria and Switzerland, are currently estimated at EUR 1 billion.

“为了达到要求的洪水保护水平,需要更改高山莱茵河的通道几何形状,以增强沿项目周边的防洪。在Rhesi项目中,选择了一种非常现代的方法:而不是增加河水的堤防,以考虑到4,300 m的排放量增加3/s,所需的流程部分将通过将河流宽度从目前的60至70 m增加到将来增加数百米来创建。由于过去150年中各种河流恢复措施,目前的河道河道目前具有非常技术性的形状,它将通过这种情况,以模仿人类干预前模仿河流状态的近天然状态,”explains Florian Hinkelammert-Zens, environmental engineer at the Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH).

To evaluate the effects of the projected measures and to check the hydraulic calculations and assumptions of the Rhesi project, VAW of ETH Zurich has been commissioned with hybrid model experiments on behalf of the International Rhine Regulation (IRR) body. These investigations consist of two main parts: 1) experiments in a physical hydraulic model and 2) accompanying numerical simulations.

“Two key project sections are replicated consecutively at a scale of 1:50 in extensive hydraulic models. For each section, a flow length of approximately 5 km is replicated (around 110 m in model scale) with watercourse widths ranging from 250 m to 350 m (around 8 m in model scale),”Hinkelammert-Zens说。“At the same time, numerical computer models of the project were created to provide and evaluate the boundary conditions of the hydraulic models, to validate the results and to carry out sensitivity analyses.”

结果,这两种液压模型是有史以来最大的高山河流模型之一,平均尺寸为110 x 9 m。两者都位于奥地利Dornbirn的一栋古老的工厂建筑中,苏黎世Eth设计了一个排放400 l/s的水路。该系统由一个高级水箱,入口和出口盆地,地下室中的水流线和一个深水箱组成,从中,水从中泵回高级水箱(最多400 L/s)。



To observe the impact of different sediment loads and various scenarios, a large number of scientific experiments with varying parameters (e.g. water discharge and sediment load) are conducted. By means of a laser scanner, the model topography is measured before and after every single experiment. The acquired data is then used to create terrain models which serve as a basis for the determination of areas where sedimentation and erosion occur in the riverbed.


右:Alpine Rhine的一部分的3D地形模型(在流动方向上查看) /左:实验结束后液压模型中的可移动河床

为了捕获每个实验之前和之后的地形数据,ETH Zurich的研究团队依赖于Leica Scanstation P20,Leica Geosystems目标和Leica TS02总站为了地理参考,激光扫描15个参考点。扫描仪P20安装在移动三脚架上,并部署在四个扫描位置上以捕获整个型号。扫描高度约为2.7 m-如果观看角度太陡并避免死角,则最大程度地减少阴影效果 - 在与设备的径向距离为10 m的径向距离下,分辨率为3 x 3 mm,可以获得具有非常低噪声的高质量数据。

After each experiment, the data is imported into狮子旋风3D点云处理软件以注册数据并合并点云。此时,面积为4000 m2约有约2.5亿点代表。然后使用多边形“修剪”点云,以切断模型边界之外的数据点。然后将其余的数据点转换为网格单元,其细胞大小代表现实生活中的50 cm x 50 cm。最后,将地形数据转换为瑞士国家坐标系。


“The 3D point clouds are used to create grid datasets with approximately 15 million grid cells with a resolution of 0.5 x 0.5 m, each of them representing one distinct point of time during the experiments. This data is then further processed in geo-information systems in order to create surface views as well as longitudinal and lateral profiles of the mobile riverbed. This enables us to compare different points in time of the experiment with each other,”Hinkelammert-Zens解释


  • Surface views: The grid values of the scan made at the beginning of the experiment are deducted from those made at the end of the experiment. In this way, theETH团队创建一种观点,使模型河床高度的相对差异可见。

  • Transverse profiles: The team creates cross profiles at certain positions, extracting grid values to create lateral profiles. Using the scans before and after the tests, the experts can visualise the observed changes and compare them to the project goals.

  • 纵向曲线:提取的跨轮廓平均用于纵向轮廓。通过比较实验前后的平均河床高程以及观察自然界的变化,专家团队可以验证液压模型。


调查由苏黎世ETH VAW已经勒d to significant inputs for the further development of the Rhesi project. At first, the model was calibrated via the replication of past flood events. During this process, the water levels and riverbed topography obtained in the hydraulic model were compared to data captured during those events in full-scale. After successful completion of this step, the hydraulic model was adapted to the future shape of the river, as projected in Rhesi. Since then, various long-term scenarios and high flood events have been simulated to investigate the effects of the Rhesi project on the river morphology and water levels.


  • 砾石银行将在哪里定位?
  • Where will depressions resp. scours occur and what will be their maximum depth?
  • 必须保护河岸的深度,以防止侵蚀和搜查?
  • 如何保护桥梁免受侵蚀和冲洗的侵害?
  • 在洪水事件中,桥梁在桥梁上的浮木数量是多少?对水位有什么影响?

这些科学实验的发现得到了Leica Geosystems的现实捕获技术的支持,是确保可持续的河流规划并确保Rhesi防bob综合app赌博洪项目在技术上和经济上可行的基础。这种综合的洪水风险管理方法将大大降低洪水风险,并改善国际高山莱茵河的生态和娱乐价值。



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