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In today´s challenging environment, laser scanners can speed up workflows, empowering professionals from a wide range of industries to increase productivity and efficiency. TheLeica RTC360 3D laser scanneris a compact field-to-office solution, filling the gap between theLeica BLK360成像激光扫描仪and theLeica Scanstation P系列terrestrial laser scanners.

“在Leica Geosystems,我们有雄心勃勃地建立世界上最好的传感器。当我们设计RTC360时,我们想创建一些出色和独特的东西,”Leica Geosystems现实捕获部门总裁Juergen Mbob综合app赌博ayer说。

从测量专业人员,希望快速扫描高性能,到公共安全机构,旨在使用带有实用后处理软件的便携式设备 - RTC360是解决方案。

Capturing up to 2 million points per second

RTC360 3D激光扫描仪的开发是快速,敏捷和精确的。快速而精确的方面是指独特的捕获性能,例如每秒测量率200万点和不到2分钟的全动态范围(HDR)全景图像。敏捷是指基于特殊视觉内部系统(VIS)技术的其可移植性和自动化的无目标现场预注册。

“RTC360发达国家作为一个整体体制的一部分m, not a standalone scanner. It was developed together with field and office software with a truly unique technology called Visual Internal System (VIS) allowing to automate most of the workflows in registration,”said Mayer.

VIS技术是由Leica Geosystems专家开发的,以减少将单个点云拼接在一起的时间。该系统基于RTC360内置的五个摄像机以跟踪环境。这些摄像机涉及环境功能,并将它们用作连接单个扫描的参考点。从一个地方移动到另一个地方,即使在楼层之间,RTC360都知道任何两次扫描之间的相对位置,并自动将不同的点云注册为一个完整的点云,这要归功于VIS。

“我对RTC360的第一印象是扫描仪真的很棒,因为有五个用于视觉惯性系统的五个摄像机,扫描仪具有额外的意义来定位自身,”said Markus Ziereis, regional sales manager at Leica Geosystems Germany.

Developing a compact solution

Developing a compact solution


While scanning with the RTC360, users can operate their scanner and perform on-site point cloud pre-registration, straight from any iOS or Android device through the Cyclone FIELD 360 mobile-device app. With its intuitive user interface, and immediate data visualisation, the Cyclone FIELD 360 app allows users to quality control their scans directly in the field. Once all scans are checked and registered through Cyclone FIELD 360, it is synchronised back to the RTC360 3D laser scanner, which records the data on an USB stick and after plugging it into a computer, the post-processing can start with Cyclone REGISTER 360 post-processing office software.

气旋注册用户的360是一个创新any skill level and makes the most of the RTC360’s innovations to dramatically reduce the user’s office workload. Cyclone REGISTER 360 provides a point cloud preview prior to import and leverages the Double Scan option of the RTC360 to automatically filter out all possible noise usually generated in busy locations. Within Cyclone REGISTER 360, users can fine-tune their pre-registration and prepare their data for use downstream in Leica Geosystems’ TruView and CloudWorx products.


  • Building construction
  • 工厂的管理
  • 法医学

“The RTC360 3D reality capture solution will be a massive benefit to customers, because it is going to speed up their workflow,”said Phil Marsh, HDS manager at SCCS Survey UK.

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