Working indoor with machine control guided by two total stations from Leica Geosystems

Case Study

在Bålsta中使用两个总站和机器bob apple控制

作者和摄影师:Arne Forsell


当您看到从森林后面出现的巨大建筑时,这是进入您的想法的第一个单词。瑞典批发公司达加布(Dagab)在斯德哥尔摩(Stockholm)西北50公里的贝尔斯塔(Bålsta)市的新杂货中心将成为北欧最大的建筑之一。该建筑物的长度为575 m,地板面积为100,000平方米,相当于15个足球场,天花板高度为15米,储藏室具有不同的温度区域,建筑物是由强烈的聚焦环境建造的。

Dagab can close down six existing facilities and move their activities to Bålsta when the project is completed in 2023.

Using machine control for creating one of North of Europe’s largest buildings
Using machine control for creating one of North of Europe’s largest buildings

建筑公司Kanonaden负责土方工程 - 一个涉及地面稳定和堆积的项目。卡纳纳登(Kanonaden)收集了分包商的良好发条,以确保工作流程的平稳执行。这些必不可少的,尖锐和独特的发条齿轮是丹尼斯·拉尔森(Dennis Larsson)和西蒙·桑德克维斯(Simon Sundkvist)。丹尼斯(Dennis)驾驶打滑的转向机,并在其中一侧的一侧钉住钉子的森林中的最后一层。33岁的丹尼斯(Dennis)是家族拥有的SannaGrävAB中的第三代。他的绿色安全背心和黑色T恤表明他为SannaGräv工作 - 如果有人怀疑!

Soil sanitation, sewage systems, surface geothermal heat and even archaeological excavations, adjustment of asphalt and concrete are some of the activities that the company has focused on since the beginning of 1973. The customers are mainly larger companies in the area of Mälardalen. The machine fleet includes, besides the skid steer, tire tractors, excavators, and dumpers.

Using skid steer for fine grading

Dennis' career in the heavy construction industry started with a summer job at the age of 13, so it is a very experienced machine operator that operates the CAT299D2 for fine grading of the final surface layer of the future warehouse.

This hybrid of a machine that some people would call strange and find difficult to describe is maneuvered safely by Dennis in the narrow spaces between the concrete foundations. The blade underneath the machine drags the filling material that is transformed into the final layer used for the foundation for the subsequent floor and deposits it with unfailing precision. Dennis demonstrates that behind the joysticks inside the machine, he is a true artist.

Dennis is assisted by his machine control solution from Leica Geosystems.

- 丹尼斯说,我们在所有机器上都从莉卡(Leica Geosystems)拥有机器控制。
- We only want to work with the best, so we use the MC1 software on the MCP80 panel. Our customers and we are very satisfied with it, and I wouldn’t want any other system!

The work under the massive roof and between the obstructing piles has created new challenges for Dennis and the handling of his machine.

- When I work under a roof, it is advantageous to use dual TPS because the surface has so many different heights, and it is essential to know exactly what the height differences are. Thanks to the two iCR80 total stations, I never have to think about moving the machine because they track the machine all the time. That makes a big difference compared to using just one TPS and cross slope function. I can’t use the total station all the time because of all the blocking things. Then I switch to the laser solution instead, he says.

Dennis switches easily from dual TPS to a dual laser solution
Dennis switches easily from dual TPS to a dual laser solution

- But it doesn’t matter. The result is almost the same as long as the height is constant. I drive with a margin of 5mm, up or down, without any problems. I can do everything myself! I place the total stations and do the job myself! The total stations give me a sense of security, when I work. As long as the model is correct, the job will be performed correctly.

Dennis Larsson claims that he sometimes finds it hard to learn new technology, but he immediately realises:

- I have learned to use GPS, and it has become a lot more fun to work when you can see the heights. It might be that younger people, who have always used GPS on their machines, don’t feel the same joy as I do, but I have been in this business for a long time… To learn MC1 has definitely not been a problem!


In another part of the giant warehouse, Simon Sundkvist works in his Volvo EW160E signed Granlunds Grävmaskiner. The company started in 2001 when Andreas Granlund bought an excavator for his one-person company and stating that “the rest is history” is a bit of a cliché, but also true underlined by the fact that the company today has 45 employees and machines for construction work, earthmoving, and transportation.

Simon Sundkvist worked initially as a truck driver, but his uncle had worked as an excavator operator for about 50 years and inspired him to switch career 8 years ago.

- 我参加了Leica Geosystems提供的GNSS课程,并认为机器控制既酷又有趣,那就是他说并在胡须上大笑。我继续使用它,对其进行了调整,并学到了越来越多的知识,而Leica系统易于使用。

西蒙(Simon)和他的挖掘机几乎像大教堂一样的环境,搭配光滑,明亮的混凝土墙壁,将目光向上驶向天花板的环境几乎造成了整个无线电阴影。在他与地板区域的合作中,西蒙的指导下的两个总站都以坚定的准确性抓住机器上的棱镜,并帮助他以精确的倾斜和正确的高bob apple度将水桶放在水桶上。

On one of the short sides of the area that he is working on, he has dug several holes to give room for future installations in the room. Beautiful, sharp-cut edges, holes with millimeter tolerances, and razor-sharp angles are a silent testimony about the accuracy of the machine control solution – when it is performed by a competent machine operator.


The solution allows Simon to work independently. He rarely needs help from surveying engineers for stake-out, and the job is a lot more efficient and cost-effective.

- I start every day by positioning the two iCR80 total stations. I did it very thoroughly in the beginning, but that didn’t work. It was too accurate for the machine control solution. Vibrations and even the air pressure level in the machine’s tires were enough to influence the machine control, and it didn’t function. Now, I only use two decimals, and it works a lot better.


- It is a question of hours, he says. And it is nice to work autonomously as well.

He has only praise when it comes to describing his relations with Leica Geosystems.

- If I need something, I have a direct phone number of people at Leica. It works really well!

Surveying manager Jerker Wretman fully trusts the accuracy of the machine control solutions

Jerker Wretman works as surveying manager in the company Kanonaden Mälardalen, which is the department that takes over the project from the mother company Kanonaden. He has been with the company since 2017 and is one of 80 employees. Jerker says that Dagab logistics center is the largest project that the company has worked on until now. Still, he feels safe in the role despite the size of the project and specific challenges with the height differences on the site and the very tight deadlines.

Surveying manager Jerker Wretman
Surveying manager Jerker Wretman

- Having the machine control solution from Leica Geosystems is of great value to us. I trust it fully, and the fact that we don’t need to call for surveying engineers makes the process a lot faster and more efficient. The result is highly accurate regardless of using total stations or lasers.

The Dagab project in Bålsta is a project built for the future. From here, groceries will be delivered to several grocery store chains. The storage space is also built for the handling of e-business in the future distribution of groceries.

It is an impressive location, and machine control from Leica Geosystems has played an essential role in its construction!

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