
Author:Monica Miller Rodgers

Point Cloud Processing.

It’s a phrase that can strike fear into the heart of any laser scanning professional. The massive amounts of data. The long hours of painstakingly stitching together detailed point clouds. The even longer road to a quality checked, validated and certified 3D project, compounded by complexity in registration workflow, makes it so difficult to bring data from the field into the office to a final deliverable. Is it any wonder then why just the mere mention of the phrase can be so debilitating?

Laser scanning professionals and those just getting started with the technology no longer need to fear, though, as the complex process of registration and point cloud processing just got a whole lot smarter.

New offerings bring relief

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Leica Geosystemshas recently released two new offerings to relieve the historical pains associated with point cloud processing.

“我们看到3 d数字现实需求激增ata across many industries and a growing pressure to deliver final and professional results quickly. To meet this growing demand, we embarked on a fundamental technology project to overcome the various data processing bottlenecks witnessed in the industry,” said Faheem Khan, vice-president, Business Development for Leica Geosystems. “From import time, registration automation, quality management to deliverable production, we have fundamentally improved every step of the data processing pipeline to deliver a new user experience, speed and automation where we can.”

The new Leica CycloneREGISTER 360注册软件将易用性和自动化结合在一起,并具有高度的准确性和可靠性。由于行业中的点云技术无与伦比,进口时间比以前快10倍以上,点云是集中式和存档的,并且可以在云上流式传输无限的数据或通过便携式USB棒部署。

There are three main areas to Cyclone REGISTER 360:

1)以简单的方法设置导入过程的准备阶段区域,以确保最佳的初始注册。用户只需要拖放数据,旋风将完成其余的工作:在后台运行多个自动化过程,以提取目标,创建正态分子,索引数据,清洁异常值,执行模式匹配和图像匹配和图像对准以及自动云- 云和完全网络的注册。用户只需按下一个按钮,结果是最终可交付的可审查。


3)最终确定报告区域以创建数据处理过程的高价值报告。提供工具以将数据集输送到所需的各种格式和输出中 - 再次使用按钮的单个按钮。目的是使端到端流程高效和自动化,并从这些超长交易中释放运营商完成其他生产任务。

“With a focus on building quality control into the heart of product, we encourage professionals and non-professionals alike to follow surveying and industry best practices to generate accurate results through a strong adherence, simple yet robust workflow,” said Khan.

第二个发布最后将激光扫描我nto the cloud. The new Leica TruView Cloud Services is an easy, reliable and secure platform for quickly sharing digital reality data within a project community, globally, in a cost effective and efficient manner. The platform connects users, locations and capabilities while allowing the administrator to quickly decide who is able access what data anywhere in the world.

Truview Cloud Services提供具有可用软件开发套件的快照和地理标签功能。这些强大的工具可以实现项目通信,工作流程和资产数据以及应用程序集成。用户可以从GIS/AM/FM/信息管理解决方案中获取数据,并可以通过旋风内部的自动GeoTAG分析过程将资产数据与数字现实内容联系起来。

“TruView Cloud Service enable scanning professionals to collaborate with organisations worldwide and pay only for the services and consumption they need,” said Khan. “With a simple upload operation from the field or the office, TruViews are created from any sensor.

“ Truview Cloud Services是由Cyclone Cloud Operations团队启用和管理的 - 从复杂的信息技术需求中释放扫描专业人员,以维护高度可用的云服务器和服务。”


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旋风注册360和Truview Cloud Servicesare compatible with the entire line of Leica Geosystems laser scanners. From the professional use of the P-Series ScanStations to the more consumer use of the new BLK360 imaging laser scanner, these new offerings simplify registration, visualisation and collaboration. Users can take advantage of the extended range, robust survey-grade output the ScanStation delivers and densify the project with a “swarm” of BLK360 scans – all registered and combined automatically with the various tools and processes offered through Cyclone REGISTER 360.

通过这些新产品,数据可用于多个行业,具有简单开放操作的垂直软件解决方案 - 没有进口,也没有出口。由Leica Jetstream提供支持,简化的点云访问和超高速度渲染平台,可以将3D数据从任何主要传感器导入到任何主要软件中。

“One hallmark of our offering is in providing a multi-sensor, multi-vendor connected ecosystem,” said Khan. “All of our software products share a common technology, so an expensive and time consuming data export operation is not required.”

The new Cyclone REGISTER 360 and TruView Cloud Services take out the scariness of point cloud registration and processing. Whether a plant manager needs a better understanding of the shelf life of his pipes, a crime scene forensics investigator needs to accurately analyse the evidence and share the data, or an architect needs to quickly and simply capture a façade, these new offerings simplify the process for smarter laser scanning.


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