
格哈德·沃尔特(Gerhard Walter)tells us everything we need to know about this latest workflow improvement

Embedding the Leica BLK360 in to the existing 3D reality capture laser scanning workflow, offering customers a direct link in to the world of Leica Cyclone

用扫描Leica BLK360,世界上最小,最轻的成像激光扫描仪变得更加容易!

Users can now operate the BLK360 to automatically capture, register and examine scan and image data, directly within the狮子旋风FIELD 360app from any iOS or Android mobile-device. The powerful mobile-device app links the 3D data acquisition in the field with the BLK360 and data registration with狮子旋风REGISTER 360后处理的办公软件,提供了用于注册和发布您捕获的数据的最简化服务。借助其直观的用户界面,远程扫描仪控制和现场点云显示,Cyclone Field 360是第一个也是唯一一个为BLK360用户从完整的Leica Cyclone Eco-System中受益的移动设备应用程序。

现在,新的和现有的BLK360用户可以从Leica GeoSystems中受益,完整的现场到定型工作流程:

  • BLK360 - 成像激光扫描仪以捕获数据
  • Cyclone Field 360-直接在现场提供捕获的扫描数据,可立即提供场地数据可视化和检查
  • 旋风寄存器360 - 后处理办公软件,以清洁和最终确定捕获的项目数据

并非未知用户缺少一种连接现场扫描的灵活方法,并为他们在办公室的最终注册做好准备。他们不想在不确定捕获的数据完成并准备最终处理的情况下离开现场。自从Leica RTC360发布并引入Leica Geosystems的3D真人秀工作流以来,用户不再缺少此场地伴随应用程序。bob综合app赌博他们可以轻松地检查Cyclone Field 360应用程序中的所有扫描数据,并确保当他们离开字段时,收集所有数据,完整并准备好进行最终处理。


Cyclone Field 360现在可以控制BLK360成像激光扫描仪,将捕获的数据直接下载到平板电脑上,以便用户可以对其进行检查以更好地控制现场捕获的数据。可以添加注释,可以在点云中进行测量,并从旋风寄存器360转移到下游Leica JetStream,,,,Leica TruViewandLeica CloudWorx。Powerful viewing tools allow checking the data for completeness and correctness before leaving the field, giving users the confidence that they have left the site with the final data they need to accomplish their work.

With the latest update of Cyclone FIELD 360, we bring scan data from the smallest imaging laser scanner in the world to the most powerful registration and publishing tool.

Several scans can be pre-registered in the field to save time on the final registration in the office. A direct connection from Cyclone FIELD 360 to Cyclone REGISTER 360 allows for seamless data transfer directly from tablet to desktop.


  • To download captured scan data from the tablet computer to a PC, no longer relying on the BLK360 battery or WiFi as all data is automatically transferred directly from the tablet to the workstation ensuring a faster dataflow
  • To directly import captured scan data to Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360 via WiFi

Our industry-leading post-processing software, Cyclone REGISTER 360, handles large amounts of data far better than any other software package on the market. However, there is currently no field app that has streamlined BLK360 scan data flow – until now!


Cyclone Field 360移动设备应用程序免费下载。需要有效的旋风寄存器或旋风寄存器360许可才能激活Cyclone Field 360。

从The下载Cyclone Field 360应用App StoreandGoogle Play

有关更多信息,请联系您当地的Leica Geosystems销售代表。

格哈德·沃尔特(Gerhard Walter)

Product Manager, Terrestrial Laser Scanning



