What is the difference between the RTC360 & RTC360 LT?


Leica RTC360和Leica RTC360 LT比较

在2018年,我们宣布了开创性的3D现实捕获解决方案 - 将便携式和高度自动化bob综合app赌博Leica RTC3603D激光扫描仪,Leica Cyclone Field 360移动设备应用程序和Leica Cyclone寄存器360post-processing office software. Since the announcement, the RTC360 laser scanner has been a tremendous success and has revolutionised customer workflows, increasing productivity with ultra-fast speed-scanning and in-field point cloud visualisation.

在2019年Intergeo上,我们扩展了3D Reality Captubob综合app赌博re解决方案,并引入了Leica RTC360 LT,这是RTC360的更轻版本。

RTC360和RTC360 LT有什么区别?
当比较RTC360激光扫描仪并排时,它们看起来非常相似,但是有两个关键区别 - 眼睛可见一个差异,而另一个差异在查看产品外观时看不见:

•差异1:查看RTC360 LT的外壳时,您会发现它没有视觉惯性系统(VIS)功能。这意味着RTC360 LT没有RTC360住房中可见的五个VIS摄像机。

• Difference No. 2: The second difference is not visible from comparing the scanners side by side, yet it is noticeable when in the field as the registration process is a little longer than the RTC360 – it’s the scanning speed. The RTC360 has a scanning speed of 2 million pts/sec and the RTC360 LT has a scanning speed of 1 million pts/sec. This is half the speed of the RTC360, and yet the captured scan data is not compromised.

视觉惯性系统(VIS) - 真正独特的系统
VIS是一种真正独特的系统和专利的技术。RTC360上的五个VIS摄像机与惯性测量单元(IMU)结合在一起,当合并在一起并与智能算法进行处理时,它计算扫描仪在不同设置之间移动时实时的相对位置和方向。这简化了整个注册过程,因为设置很容易直接在现场预注册,以便在Leica Cyclone Field中即时可视化360在平板电脑或智能手机上运行的移动设备应用程序,以及在办公室注册过程中的用户交互,以便拧紧数据是最小的。

如果RTC360 LT没有VIS是什么意思?
当将RTC360与VIS启用一起使用时,这意味着整体注册过程被简化和自动化,从而大大减少了现场和办公室的时间。这是因为VIS可以自动定位每个扫描相对于先前的位置,并且每次扫描立即位于旋风场360应用中的正确几何位置中。因此,当不可用时,注册过程的总体时间需要更长的时间,因为每个扫描都与以前的方向无关。该现场的一致性和注册过程没有像RTC360那样完全自动化。当您使用RTC360 LT在Cyclone Field 360中进行手动对齐和预注册时,您会看到您选择的两次扫描并能够正确定位它们,优化它们并创建链接。

The right choice
When the time comes to choose and invest in a 3D laser scanner, there are many factors that should be considered based on business needs. For example, if you work in a medium to large company that specialises in laser scanning consultancy spanning various industries with many applications, the need for high-speed and automation on site is essential. Projects are continuous and can be very demanding, so the need for reliable equipment that enables your team to be as productive as possible in the field and office is vital. Therefore, the RTC360 is the perfect laser scanner to invest in as it combines speed, portability and automation allowing your team to scan, visualise, complete and deliver on every project that comes their way.

For small scale companies that rarely have the need for laser scanning or for companies that identify the possible need for 3D visualisation in occasional projects, but aren’t so familiar with laser scanning technology, the RTC360 LT would be the recommended investment. If the business doesn’t need to scan an environment on a daily or weekly basis, and projects are not as demanding or frequent, then an entry-level laser scanner is certainly the best option to consider.

随着技术的迅速发展 - 越来越快,更小,便宜 - 您需要投资于为您和您的客户带来最佳效果的设备。要了解更多信息,请与您的当地联系Leica Geosystems sales representative

米歇尔·伯恩(Michelle Byrne)
Reality Capture Division



