投资Leica GS18 I以提供市场领先的解决方案

Customer story

va gruppen, gs18 i

在家族拥有的VA Gruppen AB,成功的一部分是学习新技术,并不断投资创新的工具,以向客户提供市场领先的解决方案。他们最近对莉卡GS18 i, a versatile GNSS RTK rover with Visual Positioning, has proved this principle and made a positive impact on the surveying speed, amount of data captured and workflow processes in their daily surveying tasks.

VA Gruppen’s success: expertise, dedicated staff and latest technology

VA Gruppen AB是一家领先的家庭拥有的公司,在建筑工作,设计,建造和维护水电设施方面拥有高水平的专业知识。他们在内部完成了自己的调查,以挖掘管道,发现它节省了成本,对他们和他们的客户来说更有效。

We discovered that it is more flexible when we have our own surveyors and can prioritise jobs instead of waiting for a surveyor from an external company,” explains Martin Holmqvist, Head of Measurement at VA Gruppen.


Another factor is VA Gruppen’s commitment to learning new technology and continuously investing in innovative instruments that will allow them to deliver market-leading solutions to their customers. To complete their surveying tasks, they use the莉卡Nova MS60多阶段,莉卡·艾博特(Leica Aibot)无人机解决方案和GS18 I.

The integration of the versatile GS18 I into their survey equipment toolkit has made a big difference in the daily work of employees like Oliver Vingren, who works as a Measurement Engineer at VA Gruppen.

There are projects where I have been able to halve the time thanks to the possibilities of Visual Positioning,” confirms Vingren.

Measuring with images offers expanded opportunities

就像GS18 I一样,Vingren对VA Gruppen来说是相对较新的。他在2020年春季完成了调查工程师培训,其中包括使用Leica Geosystems设备的实习。Vingren喜欢测量行业的许多方面,包括在现场和办公室工作,以及使用GS18 I等工具的机会,这些工具使捕获的测量数据变得更加容易,更全面。

GS18 I的视觉定位技术是通过相机,GNSS和IMU的组合来完成的,使测量师都可以用倾斜的杆子进行测量,并从图像中进行测量。这两个功能极大地扩大了衡量难以或危险的点的潜力。在...的帮助下莉卡Captivate领域软件,Vingren可以测量points taken from recorded images directly in the field.

简而言之,Leica GS18我给Vingren提供了衡量他所看到的东西的机会。将GS18 I附加到测量杆上,并将其与莉卡CS20controller running Captivate, Vingren forms an effective one-man army on his measurement missions.


Holmqvist expands on these benefits: “借助GS18 I的数据,我们后来可以测量已经被埋葬的管道。能够沿着管道沟渠行走并为客户提供坡度边缘的图像也是一件好事。它创造了更好的体验,对于测量师来说更有效。”


On cold, rainy, three-degree January days when Vingren needs to survey a site, he is grateful for the quick, comprehensive measurement capabilities of the GS18 I that get him back to the warm office, ready to review his data – data which is richer than in the past.

In the office, he switches from Captivate to莉卡Infinity, which allows him to measure points or further process the data and create a point cloud.

在点云中,有大量的信息,这使我们获得了GS18 I的另一个优势,” Vingren解释说。“If I need to do a volume calculation, pick out specific coordinates or something else, I do not need to go out and take new measurements.

Leica Geosystems’ cloud solutions also enable Vingren to visualise, validate and share captured data with his collaborators and stakeholders.

All the information I need can be extracted from the existing material, and if I need to share any information with my colleagues I can easily do it via莉卡ConX. The faster we get all the information, the faster we can solve the task for our customers,” Vingren concludes.


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