

作者:Renata Barradas

近年来,Laser扫描彻底改变了测量专业。有可能在相对较短的时间内捕获大量数据,3D laser scannersare must-have instruments for collecting data to produce outputs that range from a simple topographic survey to a 3D model to preserve cultural heritage.

随着流程数字化和企业数字化数字化,世界各地的测量师公司都像扫描和去,正在调整新技术,为客户提供更好,更快,更专业的服务。与Leica Geosystems合作,Scan&Go是地形领域和3D高清调查领域的意大利公司领导者,对其车辆/三脚架安装进行了功能测试,用于使用该工具进行3D激光扫描Leica RTC360 3D激光扫描仪

Tailored solution for 3D laser scanning

To achieve a更快,更有效地使用陆地激光扫描仪,扫描和GO创建可以安装在任何类型的车辆或气动杆上的系统,以便在扫描课程之间轻松移动并确保更大的测量范围。

Mounted on the Scan&Go System, the RTC360 captured at2 million points per secondthe centre of Castelvetro di Modena, Italy, in only a few minutes. The Scan&Go team mounted the RTC360 on Scan&Go’s level lift roof and automatic LP16R leveller. For the first scan, the team captured the centre of Castelvetro di Modena from a3-metre height。其余的三个扫描是在6-metre altitude from the groundusing Scan&Go vehicle installation.

“The height of the scanner allows to overcome the obstacles present and increases the scanning range and its accuracy of measurement,”Scan&Go销售经理Cristina Valchuk解释说。“All scans are perfectly levelled –this eliminates vertical variations. Our satisfaction of the test made is very high. This approach ensures the safety of the operator and the instrumentation in the field and increases the productivity of the RTC360.”

测试的目的是verify the potential of the new RTC360 in combination with the Scan&Go system for laser scanning in mobile “stop” and “go” mode仪器安装在车辆上。扫描与GO团队也想测试correct functioning of the Visual Inertial System (VIS), performing the automatic point-cloud registration in the field, with speeds higher than those achieved by foot. The point cloud collected at avehicle speed ranging from 10 to 20 kilometresand registered in real-time surprised the team.

“The results obtained with the RTC360 are very good. During the scans, the system is very stable ensuring maximum measurement accuracy,”said Valchuk.“这很快,因为3D激光扫描仪已安装在车辆上,并且在一项扫描与另一个扫描之间的移动过程中,您不必拆卸任何东西。”


点云只是空间中的一组数据点,直到利益相关者可以可视化和与之交互。从点云获得的3D模型有助于告知对现实的感知,并为操作提供了地理化的数字基础。扫描和GO为客户创建3D模型,以便他们可以记录,管理,续订或维护任何资产或环境。在处理后处理之后Cyclone REGISTER 360, experts created a 3D model of Castelvetro di Modena.

考虑到简单且高度自动化的工作流程,RTC360 solution uses edge computing to stream scan data to a tablet in real time并自动处理扫描数据以提供real-time quality controland data registration in the field.

With自动pre-registration, high-quality point clouds were immediately available for the Scan&Go team. Quality assurance and completeness checks were also done in the field with the Cyclone FIELD 360 mobile application running on a tablet.This reduced the complexity of the data capture process in the field and saved the team members time in the field and in the office由于他们能够离开项目站点的预注册,可以在Cyclone寄存器中最终确定比原始扫描数据更快。Scan&Go知道,节省时间,工作流程简化和生产力的提高会自动转化为增加的利润和加速投资回报。

bob综合app赌博来自地理系统的现实捕获系统increase the flexibility and mobility of professionals to map, geo-position, capture and extract featuresover LiDAR or photogrammetry measurements in restricted areas withmillimetric precision以极其敏捷和快速的方式。

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