Supporting artificial intelligence solution to parking problem

Case study

Author:Linda Duffy.

With a finite number of parking spaces and an increasing number of cars, frustration and inconvenience related to parking is growing. Recognising this as a problem, Manuela Rasthofer, CEO ofTerraLoupe GmbH,推出了一个项目来结合人工智能和矫正空中图像,为整个德国的可用停车场和空间创建准确的库存。

Mapping available parking

一辆汽车可以是一个充满压力和time-consumin停车g activity, and in the future, autonomously navigated vehicles will be searching for spaces without a driver to help. The need for high-definition digital maps that accurately measure and identify all types of objects, including parking spaces, is quickly becoming a reality.

TerraLoupe GmbH is a technology start-up based in Munich, Germany, that focuses on combining geodata and computer analytics in innovative ways. Starting with high-resolution orthoimagery, TerraLoupe applies machine learning algorithms to detect and measure objects in the physical world, such as buildings, roads, and trees, to create data-rich 3D models.

“为了解决不断增长的停车问题,我们希望看到使用空中图像和人工智能检测和评估停车场是否是可行的,”says Rasthofer.“通过自动化特征和数字内容的提取,我们认为我们可以大大减少创建地图所​​花费的时间,而不会牺牲准确性。”

A cost-effective method of creating digital maps is particularly interesting to Tier one automotive suppliers and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to support the autonomous navigation industry; however, many other industries can make use of the information as well.




Through the HxGN Content Program, TerraLoupe obtained 15-cm resolution orthoimagery of Berlin to test its internally developed object-identification algorithms. The initial work on Berlin took eight weeks to train the algorithms to accurately identify and categorise parking spaces, followed by just three days to analyse and produce maps for all of Germany.

“通过HXGN内容程序访问图像允许我们下载我们需要的地理位置,然后在新数据上培训我们的算法”,“explained Rasthofer.“There are always slight differences in architecture, infrastructure, and road systems that are unique to each country. We check the confidence interval for each object and recheck low percentages. As we correct errors, the algorithms continue to learn and improve until we achieve a very high accuracy level.”

The aerial orthoimages available through the HxGN Content Program go through a rigorous QA/QC process to ensure delivery of survey-grade images.“HXGN内容计划最适合我们在自动驾驶,停车援助和保险/再保险公司的损失报告中的客户的需求,”says Rasthofer.“We also successfully deliver intelligence related to infrastructure, utilities, railways, and others for a variety of purposes.”



“The availability of high-resolution, high-accuracy imagery determined where we started the project; however, we intend to perform this analysis on all of Europe as data becomes available through Hexagon, and we’d like to expand our services into the U.S.,”says Rasthofer.“整体我们的目标是有效地提取所有类型的物体并创建完整的数字环境。”


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Supporting artificial intelligence solution to parking problem

Combining artificial intelligence and orthorectified aerial imagery to create parking lots in Germany
Combining artificial intelligence and orthorectified aerial imagery to create parking lots in Germany

Supporting artificial intelligence solution to parking problem

Combining artificial intelligence and orthorectified aerial imagery to create parking lots in Germany
Combining artificial intelligence and orthorectified aerial imagery to create parking lots in Germany

Supporting artificial intelligence solution to parking problem

Combining artificial intelligence and orthorectified aerial imagery to create parking lots in Germany
Combining artificial intelligence and orthorectified aerial imagery to create parking lots in Germany