Digitalising Frank Lloyd Wright's desert laboratory

Case Study

作者:弗雷德·普罗兹洛(Fred Prozzillo)

弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)的塔利辛·韦斯特(Taliesin West)始终是创新和探索的地方,建筑师每年秋天返回以测试建筑,设计和建筑的极限。为了继续这一遗产,弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特基金会(Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation)与Leica Geosystems和Multivista合作制作Taliesin West一种通用且易于获得的体验,并为这个独特而不断发展的网站提供了新的了解。

Using the LeicaBLK360和Matterport Pro2 3D相机,多维斯塔进行了一系列3D数字成像激光扫描赖特的冬季营地,产生highly-accurate, fully-detailed, 3D point cloud of the property, along with a high-definition virtual reality model.


Digitalising Frank Lloyd Wright's desert laboratory

Recognised as one of Wright’s masterworks, Taliesin West was his winter home and studio in the desert of Arizona, United States. From 1938 to 1959, this is where Wright and his apprentices constantly experimented with different building techniques, forms, and materials. Each winter Wright would view his camp with a fresh eye, having spent his summers at his home in the Midwest United States. With a cadre of young apprentices to work on the buildings, he was free to make alterations and test his theories, treating Taliesin West as his architectural laboratory.

Wright always referred to Taliesin West as his “winter camp,” where four of the main structures were designed with a canvas roof. It was under the fabric roof of the drafting studio that apprentices assisted the master architect on the design of the Guggenheim Museum. For Wright, the canvas provided cover from the desert sun and produced wonderful filtered light for drafting. With spatial characteristics of an open-air pavilion, the fabric-roofed buildings seemed alive as desert breezes lifted the fabric as if the buildings were inhaling and exhaling. Over time, the buildings lost these important spatial and experiential characteristics to meet program needs, with hard acrylic panels replacing the canvas. The goal of the preservation team was to return the camp characteristics to the buildings.


Digitalising Frank Lloyd Wright's desert laboratory

Taliesin West的复杂数据集由Multivista使用Leica Geosystems的BLK360捕获。事实证明,这是赖特沙漠营地保护工作的宝贵工具。这data provides the ability to access and assess elements of the site remotely in a meaningful way and provides a platform for cataloguing patterns of construction methodology and building condition assessments and documentation

“True to our mission, the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation is dedicated to preserving Taliesin and Taliesin West for future generations. Through our partnership with Leica Geosystems and Mulitvista, we’re able to carry out our mission, and Wright’s vision into the future, by making Taliesin West available to the world so it can experience his ideas, architecture and design in new ways,”said Stuart Graff, president and CEO of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.

为了拥抱塔利辛·韦斯特(Taliesin West)的原始精神并支持赖特(Wright)的变革遗产,弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特基金会(Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation)使用了BLK360来深入探索该空间。这3D dimensionally-precise scans,以及对它们提供的材料,形式和空间的详细理解将被用作模型,以剖析和分析较小的细节以识别施工方法。

使用这些新数据,目前正在进行研究和规划,以测试材料和安装技术,以在起草工作室实现织物屋顶系统,并将诗歌和动作带回建筑物,恢复Taliesin West的露天营地的感觉。


Digitalising Frank Lloyd Wright's desert laboratory

BLK360提供的数据在建筑行业中基本上是遥不可及的。它创建一个准确缩放3D数字复制品— known as a point cloud— of the site, putting visual and dimensional project information. The point cloud will be used by the Frank Lloyd Wright foundation to analyse each space as they develop preservation plans.

这highly accurate measurements can be navigated from their desktop, or opened in a CAD design software, like AutoCAD or Revit, where the dimensional data can be used tobuild floorplans, elevations, and 3D models

“有机会与弗兰克Lloyd Wright Foundation and Leica Geosystems’ new technologies on such a world-renowned site has been an amazing experience. This project has been a boundary-pushing exploration from day one, which seems so fitting for Taliesin West. While testing new software, hardware and workflows in order to create a dimensionally-accurate 3D point cloud that will be used for critical preservation-related decisions, it was equally important for us to invite the world to experience and be inspired by the work of Frank Lloyd Wright,”Multivista的新兴技术产品经理Brian Smith说。

赖特(Wright)建筑的光彩是内部的空间,而不仅仅是构成信封的零件和材料。弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特基金会(Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation)利用Leica Geosystems和Multivista的建筑文档服务的技术和Multivista的建筑文档服务,现在能够充分理解,剖析和分析该网站的细节,并更加彻底地朝着维护和解释Taliesin West的目标。

Click here to visit Taliesin West, the first Frank Lloyd Wright property made freely available online



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