
Case Study


作者:Arno Kijzerwaard

59 per cent of the Netherland’s territory is vulnerable to floods and 26 per cent is below sea level. For this Western European country, preventing and protecting against sea water level rise is of vital importance – at the North Sea flood in 1953, the Netherlands testified how important strengthening costal defences is. Due to its low and flat geography, the country contains a large extension of dikes – 17,691 kilometres to be precise.

Dikes in the country are managed by waterboards. The area in the middle of the Netherlands with the Maas, Waal and Nederrijn rivers is beautiful yet vulnerable – due to climate change the sea level is rising causing rivers to flood. To ensure citizens are safe, dikes in this area are checked every two years and completely surveyed every six years to make sure they stay high and firm enough.

Kempkes Landmeten,一家专门翻译广泛的Geodesy中数据的公司,沿着瓦尔河(Waal River)进行了19公里的堤防,在水板Rivierenland地区。为了给出规模的想法,这是荷兰宽度的10%。过去,对堤防进行了调查,并使用传统的调查方法涉及大量升级。随着时间的流逝,应用空降方法,例如从直升机上进行的激光扫描。即使从空中进行测量比传统的测量要高得多,也必须采用几项规则,准确性和安全措施。



Kempkes Landmeten与Waterboard Rivierenland讨论了一种调查堤防安全性的新方法。他们建议使用下一代移动映射技术,Leica Pegasus:两个移动传感器平台,以所需的质量交付任务。

A traditional survey of the whole area would have taken months to complete – the first part of两天内完成了19公里的轨迹移动映射解决方案安装在普通汽车上,从道路上扫描。使用Pegasus:两辆在不同的车辆上进行越野调查,然后在几天内扫描了整个项目。这包括双运行,处理移动映射数据并生成结果。现在,传统的测量师只需要在无法通过移动映射捕获的数据中捕获点云和“孔”。

For this project the flexibility of the Pegasus:Two was used to the max. The compact mobile mapping solution was used on a car and quad to reach off-road locations where a normal car would get stuck.

“The Leica Pegasus:Two can be mounted on a car, boat or almost any other vehicle. The system does not have to be re-calibrated when moving from vehicle and in this way we can flexibly and easily capture the reality within millimetre range,”said Rob Kempkes, owner of Kempkes Landmeten.“由于调查更快,不需要采取安全措施,因此可以节省大量费用。”

“我很高兴从事这个项目。我们过去经常进行传统调查的地方,测量师现在可以用四轮驱动越野。他们当然喜欢这个,”负责发展的埃尔温·佩里克(Erwin Perik)说。“整个工作流程非常有效。我们捕获的内容立即被检查了 - 我们从未在不知道数据很好的情况下离开网站。”



使用Pegasus:为该项目获取了两个包含点云数据和照片的千兆字节。数据使用Leica Pegasus:AUTOP软件处理,通过多通途检查质量。这意味着轨迹与飞马绘制了两次:两个安装在扫描仪旋转的汽车上。这项双重运行可检查位置质量,并减少数据中的盲点和不必要的流量。所得的彩色点云与50个地面控制点和天然基准点有关。

为了调整和执行质量控制数据,通过Leica Pegasus检查了绝对位置,高度,完整性,传播和着​​色的数据:查看器和Kempkes Landmeten的自制软件。独立的调查方法(例如级别和测量概况)用于双重研究质量。

The few parts that were not covered by the scan, such as the back of buildings, or objects like drains, were surveyed with traditional methods using Leica Total Stations and GNSS receivers. Metadata of objects like numbers on light poles were gathered if not visible on the photos from the Pegasus:Two.

然后,使用传统调查的后处理数据用于为客户生成最终产品 - 一个GIS Metadata完整的3D数字地形模型.

除了最终的结果外,Waterboard Rivierenland现在还能够使用所有额外的收集数据,例如使用Pegasus收集的360度球体照片:两个。多亏了额外信息的惊人来源,因此无需出门。过去,测量师必须回到现场,可以在一个位置轻松生成额外的交叉轮廓。这更快,更安全,是完美的基础,可以在日常过程中更轻松,更有信息的决策。



“下一代移动映射适合Kempkes Landmeten。双腿牢固地在粘土中,我们是应用创新技术的先驱,”said Kempkes.“When we do something, it has to be current, reliable and complete.”

Using the Pegasus:Two has proven to be more flexible, safe, faster and scalable giving Kempkes Landmeten a key advantage over the competition on this and other projects. Investments in new reality capture and processing solutions, just like Leica BLK360 imaging laser scanner and Jetstream, make sharing point cloud data even more efficient.




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