Leica Blk3d

Real-time, professional grade, in-picture 3D measurement

Leica Blk3d

Leica BLK3D是一种实时的,图3D测量解决方案。通过结合测量传感器,软件和设备边缘数据处理功能,Leica BLK3D可以实时实时使用专业级别的精度。捕获的每个图像都是完整而精确的3D测量记录。

它的边缘计算功能消除了对网络连接和云服务的需求,确保专业人员可以在日常工作流程中做出更快的决策 - 无论是衡量无法访问的位置,创建平面图,估算建筑物安装,记录建筑工地的进度还是创建可衡量的,建造的文档,。

Take a picture. Measure anything.

The BLK3D captures images and places precise measurements at your fingertips. Share images and measurements in multiple formats.

New dimensions for 2D pictures.

The BLK3D creates images that contain precise three-dimensional measurements.


Un-matched combination of a calibrated stereo-camera, advanced algorithms and real-time edge computing fused with leading Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM) technology.

Progressive project documentation for AEC.

Capture critical moments throughout the life of a building.

Access projects. Anywhere, anytime.

在您的图像中测量 - 在手持成像仪,台式机上,现场或办公室中。

Object detection and snapping.


Working with digital floorplans.

Create floorplans and import existing ones. Add measurable images. Document construction progress with multiple images over time.

Store. Organize. Share.

Store your measurable images on the device and on desktop. Organize your projects by tagging measurable images with searchable keywords for easy recall and share them in multiple formats.

Tell me when the BLK3D is available

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Contact the BLK3D sales team | Have a question about the BLK3D? Get in touch with our BLK3D experts. | Contact Sales


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News, articles and videos.