
问我们一个问题:您一直想了解的有关总站,软件或我们的解决方案的信息!bob apple

询问专家 - 总站bob apple

Ask us something you have always wanted to know...

We are looking for interesting, exciting questions - something you would really like to know more about. This could be related to our instruments, the software or solutions perspective, maybe even your workflow. Our experts will study your questions carefully, pick the most intriguing ones and answer with a short video. We will then share the answers on our social media channels and with your help build a database of interesting insights into the world of Leica Geosystems. We are looking forward to your questions!

Important: for any sales, support or technical service questions, please接触我们的支持网络.

AutoHeight Feature

Learn how the revolutionary AutoHeight feature can help you measure your instrument height.

Learn how the revolutionary AutoHeight feature can help you measure your instrument height.

Contact us about Total Stations

Get in contact with us for more information about our total station portfolio.
Get in contact with us for more information about our total station portfolio.