

Land surveyors take precise measurements with specialised surveying equipment to measure objects on, above and below the Earth’s surface and have the authority to measure and establish land boundaries. The International Federation of Surveyors defines surveying as follows:

  • A surveyor is a professional person with the academic qualifications and technical expertise to conduct one, or more, of the following activities;
    • to determine, measure and represent land, three-dimensional objects, point-fields and trajectories;
    • to assemble and interpret land and geographically related information,
    • to use that information for the planning and efficient administration of the land, the sea and any structures.


Surveyors determine the terrestrial or three-dimensional positions of points and the distances and angles between them. Geared with the right equipment, land surveyors can determine much more than property boundary lines and provide the measurements, positioning and data needed for a wide variety of services, including:

  • Topographic, Mapping & Cartographic surveying services
  • 大地测量服务
  • Utility systems surveying services
  • Highway, Street, Bridge, Tunnel, Subways & Railroad construction surveying services
  • 住宅和非住宅建筑测量服务
  • Cadastral & Land subdivision surveying services


测量师依靠设备和程序,这些设备和程序可提供准确的测量,以在许多行业提供广泛的服务。现代和易于使用的测量工具的开发导致许多非服务器在许多应用领域中使用的测量技术正在使用。测量人员使用诸如bob apple,,,,GNSS系统,,,,3D laser scanners,,,,mobile mapping sensors,,,,检测系统,,,,数字激光器和levels,,,,GIS收藏家, 和现场测量软件要测量,创建地图,3D模型等等。Leica Geosystems通过准确的工具,复杂的软件和受信任的服务来领导测量行业,以帮助测量师更快,创新工作流程,以减少资源和更高质量的可交付成果来满足客户的需求。Leica Geosystems的端到端工作流解决方案可以帮助测量师在处理,报告和共享信息方面变得更加高效和准确。我们的定位,测量和现实捕获技术可以极大地改善调查数据的收集,处理,bob综合app赌博可视化和共享的方式。



Surveying Made Easy – A simple guide to the basics of surveying

帮助个人了解更多关于这个令人兴奋and noble profession, we created a booklet that provides information on the basics of surveying measurement, the most commonly used instruments and the most important everyday tasks employed by surveyors and other users. The booklet is divided into three sections: level measurement, total station and, surveying with GNSS satellite systems. Trainees, students, and professionals in the fields of surveying, civil engineering, architecture, and many other fields can find answers to these questions:

  • What are the characteristics of survey instruments?
  • What do I need to take care of when measuring with a level or total station?
  • What is the effect of instrument error and how to recognise, determine and eliminate such errors?
  • 如何执行简单的测量任务?下载以了解数量的调查任务,例如计算区域或卷,可以使用内置的应用程序自动执行,收集,检查和放分或高度转移。您是否有兴趣了解有关这些主题的更多信息?访问我们的测量学习部分。


只有Leica Geosystems拥有200年的帮助测量师的经验。找出我们如何通过高级质量测量和定位解决方案和服务来为您提供支持。
只有Leica Geosystems拥有200年的帮助测量师的经验。找出我们如何通过高级质量测量和定位解决方案和服务来为您提供支持。

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Temukan bagaimana digitalisasi dengan teknologi dan proses dapat mendukunk anda anda untuk menciptakan peluang peluang baru,tetap kompetitif dan meningkatkan produktivitas。

Surveying solutions


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Tingkatkan Keterampilan Anda 琼脂lebih efisien dan Reaktif Terhadap Peluang Bisnis。Buka potensi Anda untuk menawarkan jasa layanan yang lebih baik, lebih cepat, dan lebih spesifik untuk klien Anda.
Tingkatkan Keterampilan Anda 琼脂lebih efisien dan Reaktif Terhadap Peluang Bisnis。Buka Potensi Anda untuk Menawarkan Jasa Layanan Yang Lebih Baik,Lebih Cepat,Dan Lebih ...