

IDECO的GIS部门的目标是捕获,收集和记录准确的位置以及GIS属性信息,包括整个开销和地下低压和中型电压资产的图像。为了更好地管理其庞大的网络。IDECO选择了Leica Zeno GIS数据记录器来收集所有资产信息,将其无缝馈送到其现有的ESRI ArcGIS数据库中。

Intuitive workflow chain
自动化和直接的ZENO工作流确保了从字段到办公室维护数据完整性。现场工作完成后,使用Leica Zeno的“ EasyIn”转移例程将收集的数据以一个简单的步骤传输。由于所有功能均同时使用准确的坐标捕获,因此办公室工程师只是上传了数据并进行了最终检查。

Geomatics Engineer, Needa Bani-Ata, head of IDECO’s Low Voltage Department commented, “Leica Zeno cut the time spent in data collection and improved productivity since there is no need to go back to the office and spend more time on data correction and data entries.”

To continually update their assets, IDECO also export features from Zeno Office to Zeno Field using the equally simple ‘EasyOut’ wizard. The information is fed directly into the rugged Leica CS25 tablet and a GG03 smart antenna with dual frequency GNSS.

Needa Bani Ata补充说:“特殊的Sun Able Touch屏幕使Zeno设备特别易于使用。这一切都有助于节省时间和金钱,同时通过更少的员工实现更高的准确性。”

Smarter, faster data
Leica Zeno集成解决方案使测量师和技术人员能够丰富和更新现有的数据库,以降低到厘米的精度,并在整个IDECO网络上创建有关所有电气资产的确定性和完整信息来源。

With the ability to capture and record assets from metre to survey grade accuracy, maintenance teams are directed to precise locations and can swiftly identify each asset and the supply to specific consumers. Data collection from the field, relating to the measurement and position of electricity poles, can also include any number of pre-defined attributes such as height, type, notes on condition, barcodes, cable size and supporting images.

A perfect fit
Intograph董事总经理Mazen Jouaneh在约旦的领先的GIS软件供应商和GIS应用程序提供商观察到:“自动化且易于使用Zeno Workflow与ESRI地理数据库的组合也利用IDECO作为一个有价值的ESRI客户端的最大值”。

在竞争日益激烈的市场,机构ns look for way to maximise the returns and potential from owned or managed assets. IDECO have found Leica Zeno an essential tool in the quest to keep maintenance costs to a minimum whilst maximising up time. The results add up to increasedprofitability for asset managers and



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