测量点云...与GNSS Rover

从JTRS注册测量师的外卖器在Leica GS18 I GNSS RTK Rover


作者:Renata Barradas


This is the slogan from JTRS Registered Surveyor, a professional land surveying company in Singapore that provides 3D laser scanning, land survey, aerial mapping and inspection, photogrammetry and imaging services. JTRS is continuously looking for innovative and creative ways to improve the surveying services the company provides.

该公司的最新技术飞跃能够衡量地理位置的点云和积分与其全新技术获取 - 该Leica GS18 I GNSS RTK Rover

“在单个仪器中使用实时定位捕获图像的能力,真正改变了我们进行测量的方式 - 它是现实捕获概念”bob综合app赌博jimmy tan,在jtrs上的所有者。


除了测量点云之外,GS18 I具有强大的JTR,具有功能强大的RTK流动站,可在一个工具中结合快速的RTK初始化,倾斜补偿测量和视觉定位。使用GS18我添加到他们的投资组合,JTR已经能够提供新的服务并改善公司的当前服务。

GS18 I case study


JTRS主要使用GS18 I进行控制调查和施工项目中的调查和质量检查。紧凑的精度为50mm至100mm,在40mm内为大多数QC项目。对于每个项目,具有此多功能RTK GNSS Rover的工作流程是:

  • Capturing the data using either the pole tip or Visual Positioning with the GS18 I and徕卡迷人现场软件
  • 带Office软件的数据处理徕卡无限
  • 创建带有:无限远的可交付成果(处理图像到点云),Leica Jetstream.(发布点云)和3D Reshaper.(to do mesh modelling based on point clouds).

在棕褐色的话语中,"With the GS18 I, I just need to point the camera onto the subject that I want to capture while walking. For example, in one of my projects, the time taken to survey the trial pit with the GS18 I was no more than five minutes. The time taken to post-process in the office using Infinity software was 30 minutes. I can produce true colourised point clouds, which I can export to orthophotos and also create digital surface models. It is also possible to create hundreds of topo points from the georeferenced images quickly and efficiently."

GS18 I case study


进行试井或竣工沟调查can be very challenging. Surveyors usually need to follow the site contractors' workflow and schedule as the trench needs to be backfilled, and the road lane needs to be re-opened as quickly as possible.



"Surveying using GS18 I has never been so exciting. Once you capture the site using the Visual Positioning technology, you are able to validate the coordinates or levels of certain points. I am able to show the client confidently on the reduced levels of the existing pipe trough by selecting the point over the images that were captured in the survey controller –CS20,“肯定谭。“或者,我能够在捕获的数据后处理并使用坐标和级别生成Topo积分列表。所有这些都是在我的办公室空调环境中完成的。”

GS18 I case story


For a building and scanning project that included the 3D scanning of 1,200 blocks, JTRS carried the quality check of the georeferenced scanned data with the GS18 I. Once again, the tilt and Visual Positioning technologies on the sensor made it possible to access previously unreachable points.
“在我们的HDB(住房开发委员会)的项目中,我能够使用视觉定位在我散步期间捕获的点坐标。通过GS18 I,调查方便,我可以获得即时结果离开网站。

GS18 I case story


JTRS现在能够更安全并节省人力的成本,因为GNSS天线仅由一个人运营。要准备好使用GS18 I在现场上,该团队无需培训,只需要一个简短的介绍如何处理无穷大的图像。

"Clients are more confident in the quality of the deliverables. With Infinity, I am able to process the images into true point clouds with accurate georeferencing. With Visual Positioning, I can capture two images per second as I walk, and each image comes with global coordinates from a single source – the GS18 I. It is like flying the drone installed with a GNSS antenna and camera, except we are walking,"sustains Tan.

GS18 I case story


JTRS specialises in reality capture through 3D laser scanning and photogrammetry. The GS18 I adds to the company's motto of "measuring the point cloud" with an antenna that allows surveyors to capture sites freely and safely, carry QC for almost all its data and create multiple deliverables.

"We can further develop point clouds into a 3D mesh model – that's reality capture and it is very helpful in visualisation – many times better than a single point, single line or a 2D drawing. With Infinity you can also create Digital Surface Models. This is good for engineers or designers who can use this TIN model in their design work and easily extract heights and contours, water flows and more."谭说。


If you want to hear and see more,听我们的网络研讨会用吉米谭。

Leica GS18 I

Leica GS18 I

多功能,调查级GNSS RTK ROVER具有视觉定位。捕获图像中的网站并测量来自办公室的字段或后面的位置。


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