空气borne Solutions User Group Meeting 2016 International case studies presented

The Airborne Solutions User Group Meeting will take place from 3 - 5 February, 2016 in Barcelona, Spain, and features the latest technology updates in airborne imaging, topographic and bathymetric LiDAR (Download program here)。

'Future Talk' panel discussion
Google maps, autonomous driving vehicles, big data in apps on mobile devices available every time and everywhere - the mapping world is changing. What challenges and opportunities are we facing? Attend the 'Future Talk' panel discussion to get answers to these and other burning questions.


  • Dr. Juliá Talaya, Geodesy and Cartography Deputy Director, ICGC, Spain
  • 约翰·韦尔特(John Welter),瑞士地bob体育报道理空间解决方案部Hexagon Geosystems总裁

International case studies
匈牙利Karoly Robert College的Gregory Lucas,Peter Enyedi和Csaba Lenart博士将介绍他们对诸如环境保护和水管理等应用的高性能传感器的研究,以及与LIDAR/HYPERSPECTRAL FISORTAR MANIASTION,TOWERS CONDECT and RESPART,基于远程感知的数据和洪水建模的快速响应。

蒂姆·韦伯斯特教授应用测绘学研究rch Group, Nova Scotia Community College, Canada will present on the calculation of underwater biomass from sea-bed vegetation based on Chiroptera II surveys.

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The meeting will be hosted by valued Leica Geosystems customer, the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC).

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Case Studies


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