Creating Smart Digital Realities with Reality Capture


作者:Burkhard Boeckem

With reality capture, the world can be completely digitised and digitalised, creating valuable digital twins. These are a replica of the physical world — city streets, power grids, construction sites, factories, and more, which are used to digitally transform our cities, infrastructures and environments.



  • It enables users to create products such as real-world high definition maps or 3D design models
  • 它可以根据现实世界实现虚拟设计,仿真和测试(例如,如果您需要使用现实捕获来检查自动驾驶汽车的安全性,则可以进行驾驶员模拟)bob综合app赌博
  • Finally, reality capture also enables you to be able to develop autonomous services including, for example, auto collision systems at a reduced cost in testing.

The more quality data sources you have, the more insightful and valuable your digital twin will be. Our world-leading sensor and visualisation services portfolio includes terrestrial laser scanners like the Leica RTC360, imaging scanners such as the Leica BLK360 and the Leica BLK2GO, and our mobile mapping solutions (e.g., the Leica Pegasus:Backpack) and — now, introduced earlier this year, our HxDR platform. HxDR is a new cloud-based, digital reality visualisation platform. It creates accurate digital representations of the real world through the seamless fusion of reality capture data from airborne, ground and mobile sensors, which are used to visualise and share 3D design projects and models within real-world context of the data that’s been captured.

Hexagon is uniquely placed to accelerate the innovation in Smart Digital Reality and connected and autonomous technologies through its sensor and visualisation portfolio — and the connection of value that we find between them.


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