
Case study

Authors: Per Norell

In 1989, Tommy Berntsson founded Lerbergs Entreprenad AB, and he has used machine control since 2000. Today, Lerbergs Entreprenad uses most of Leica Geosystems’ technologies and services.

“当我们进行投资时,我们总是选择我们认为是最好的解决方案。我一直是Leica Geosystems客户已有20多年了,我对技术解决方案和支持充满信心”该公司副总裁Berntsson解释说。

Lerbergs Entreprenad is located in Kungsbacka, in Sweden and offers all types of building and heavy construction work. In many of the projects, Lerbergs Entreprenad acts as sub-contractor for larger companies such as Skanska, NCC, Peab, Implenia, Serneke and Veidekke. The machine fleet consists of 25 excavators, wheel loaders and trucks. The vast majority of machines consists of excavators.

Tommy Berntsson has a lot of experience with machine control.“我们20年前开始使用机器控制。我在早期阶段意识到,即使技术不像今天那样发展,我们也可以更聪明,更有效地工作。当时,我们使用旋转激光器,后来在没有GPS的一个和两个斜率激光控制下进行。过去20年发生了很多事情,成为这一发展的一部分感到很高兴。”says Berntsson.

Exploring the PowerSnap technology

Daniel Laurison inside his 250E Volvo excavator.

Daniel Laurison is an excavator operator and works on the Varberg tunnel project as a sub-contractor for the company Implenia. He drives a tracked Volvo 250E excavator and has used Leica Geosystems’MCP80面板和MC1软件自2019年以来。

Laurison finds the MCP80 panel very practical, especially the PowerSnap feature, allowing simple and fast exchange of the panel between different machines.

“ MC1机器控制解决方案比旧面板具有更大的显示屏,并且在恶劣的环境中工作时非常健壮,这是一个优势。对我来说,主要优点是对接站,这样我就可以快速随身携带面板。一天结束时,我总是从机器上卸下面板,出于安全原因将其锁定”,解释说劳里森。

可互换的Leica MCP80面板以及多功能Leica MC1 3D机器控制软件都开发用于所有重型机器,包括:

  • Excavators and loaders
  • 小吃者和分级人士
  • 摊铺机,冷刨和滚筒
  • Drillers and pilers
  • 雪地者。

While working on the Varberg tunnel project, Laurison benefitted from the cable-free panel with multi-touch screen and hard buttons. Thanks to the easy-to-use interface, compatibility with various heavy equipment and design, he could mount the panel quickly on every different types of machines.“哪的优点是易于使用的接口and the logical order of the project files. The panel gives a good overview of the different categories without going into several submenus to find the right model to work with”,劳里森说。


Lerbergs Entreprenad has been a Leica Geosystems customer for over 20 years.

Daniel Laurison’s colleague, Jim Götthesson, worked on a completely other type of project, an archaeological excavation. Jim drives a Volvo 235E tracked excavator and has not gained a lot of experience with the new machine control solution from Leica Geosystems yet.

“On this particular project, I haven’t used machine control that much, compared to when I work on trenches, foundations or slopes. My first hand impression of the MC1 is that it is a very agile software, where you can move around in the model and see the entire jobsite on the display. I get a better overview and it feels more like a real drawing”, explains Götthesson.

Götthesson also explained that he enjoys learning new technologies, especially with the MC1, it is easy to navigate and the software is intuitive enough to shorten the learning curve.

"I have used the old technology for a long time, and I know it very well, but it is part of the development to learn new things. When you get a new software, there is always quite a lot to learn",戈特森说。

Proximity to a base station is not necessary anymore with satellite positioning

In combination with Leica Geosystems iCON portfolio of machine control solutions, HxGN SmartNet, Hexagon’s GNSS correction service, guides and control earthmoving equipment for precise digging, grading and paving. With more than 4,500 reference stations worldwide, HxGN SmartNet provides the most coverage with 24/7 service.

Lerbergs Entreprenad subscribed some of their machines to SmartNet, receiving GNSS corrections to improve single receiver position accuracy up to centimetre accuracy.

“The advantage of subscribing to SmartNet is that you are not as tied as you are working up against a base station. With SmartNet, we are always connected, and even when we don’t have the project model available, we have the height we can work from”,解释说伯恩森。

好处ting from remote support service

When Lerbergs Entreprenad decided to invest in digitalising their fleet, customer care service and support from experts was an important factor choosing Leica Geosystems.

Lerbergs Entreprenad subscribes to Leica Geosystems’ Customer Care Package (CCP), letting them benefit from field support and remote support via internet, software updates, yearly service checks and extended warranty.

“We use all the services in the CCP. The service technicians calibrate the machines and they upgrade the software for us on site”,says Berntsson.

The operators have direct contact with the support department at Leica Geosystems, in case of any problems they can ask for help and benefit from the remote support through the software.

“我们是30名员工,几年来我还没有驱动挖掘机。”says Berntsson.“I no longer have detailed information about the latest technology. It is an advantage that the machine operators can call support directly instead of going through me.”

Jim Göthesson uses Leica Geosystems’ technical support and has the direct contact to one of Leica Geosystems product expert.“当我需要他们的支持时,我会致电他们,并且很快就会获得帮助。如果我通常使用的支持技术人员无法解决问题,他将从其他技术人员那里得到帮助。”

Why excellent support service is important?

Meet Tommy Berntsson, the founder of Lerbergs Entreprenad.

Most of Lerbergs Entreprenad’s contracts are based on hourly payment and their contractors hire several of their machines and operators. It is important that nothing goes wrong.

“Stakeout on the construction site is not very common anymore, because most of it is done on the computer. If the machine control solution is not working, everything stands still. It is therefore important with support and quick feedback, as for example remote support. We can’t wait several hours, because the production is then standing still”,解释说伯恩森。

跟上技术进步并成为市场领导者是Lerbergs Entreprenad的关键,不仅对业务,而且对员工而言。

“我希望我们在业务中处于技术的最前沿,”says Berntsson. “The same counts for the machine fleet, I want new machines with the latest equipment. This is also important for the operators. With good machines and modern technology, the work is more fun and supports their everyday workflows. When we invest, we buy exclusive products.”

伯恩森(Berntsson)一直是Leica Geosystems的客户20年,这是他强调为什么他感到自在与我们合作的许多原因:“the technology is leading and the relationship with Leica Geosystems’ experts is uncomplicated. I feel comfortable and safe with them.”

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