Mobile mapping a disaster area

Chapter 1: Understanding trough mobile mapping

Author: Irene Simonetta, June 2016

2015年7月8日,增强的藤田量表(EFS)4龙卷风袭击了意大利北部的布伦塔河地区,周围是钢琴,多洛和米拉镇。威尼斯别墅是该地区的著名特征,受到严重影响,将其散落在河流地区。这些古典形式建于16世纪,由帕多瓦(Padua)的著名建筑师安德里亚·帕拉迪奥(Andrea Palladio)设计,每年吸引数千名来自世界各地的游客。该地区于1994年被公认为联合国教科文组织世界遗产。

The natural disaster tragically caused one death and injured 72 people, heavily damaging 250 homes and displacing hundreds. In all, damages accounted to tens of millions of Euros.

Understanding trough mobile mapping

的总部位于T&T服务region where the tornado struck. With a long experience in topography and High Definition Surveying (HDS), the surveying firm helped local authorities in the first hours of the aftermath and beyond to understand the extent of the damage.

T&T Service的所有者Gianpiero Toniato说:“看到在家附近的破坏对我们来说是非常努力的,但我们想以任何方式帮助我们的社区。”“龙卷风过世后,我们开始使用设备来帮助应急人员和警察记录损害。”

该设备包括Leica Pegasus:背包。由于安全原因撤离该地区,因此需要快速进入,记录并在撤离期间出门。因此,移动映射是尽可能迅速获取数据的最佳解决方案,同时确保所有必要的信息被捕获。

Leica Geosystemswas immediately available to carry out a pro bono survey to support the local authorities. Since the area wasn’t accessible by traditional mobile mapping systems, the Pegasus:Backpack was selected for its advanced mobility to access difficult areas easily.

Taking immediate action with minimal interference to the operations of the rescue workers, Aldo Facchin, Leica Geosystems Mobile Mapping R&D manager, was able to access the area to scan the extent of damage caused by the storm’s fury.


探索下一章:Accessing the inaccessible

第2章:Accessing the inaccessible

记者75- 2016年6月



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