Why South Wales Police are using the Leica Geosystems BLK360 for Laser Scanning Major Crime Scenes

South Wales Police has found the BLK360 works well in confined indoor spaces, enabling them to rapidly and accurately capture crime scenes and then ‘revisit’ them much later.

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Russell Gardner is principal forensic imaging officer at the Joint Scientific Investigations Unit at South Wales Police Headquarters, which also provides services to Gwent Police. The force had been using manual measurement techniques and traditional video/photography at crime scenes, but could see the benefits that laser scanning could bring. “So for a few major cases we paid to bring in an external service – but that was never going to be a long-term solution,” explains Russ.


The benefits of long-term scene capture

According to Russ Gardner: “Our use of the system helps us avoid disturbing the evidence, and we can permanently capture the whole scene before anything is removed or disposed of. We can then go back to the data any time, even years later, to see the height of a bed or a witness viewpoint. This really matters because when you’re at the scene, you can’t possibly know what questions might come up several months down the line.

As forensic imaging specialists, we increasingly make a difference to the outcome of a case, which can also mean making a positive difference for the victim or their loved ones.


场景1 - 埋葬的受害者





高级调查官Di Andy Miles表示,“作为在这种情况下的高级调查官,我会参加现场观看自己的景观和沉着网站。在这种技术产生重大影响的情况下,这是为了他人的利益。随后的审判中的陪审团显然,他们不会有自己的利益,审判几个月后。毫无疑问,在法庭环境中向陪审团和被告展示了这种情绪化的情感镜头,禁止被告提供有罪辩护的效果。在这种情况下,如此不能低估这一技术“。

Scenario 2 – An In-vehicle murder by stabbing


Although the suspect was apprehended by other means, the scan data provided important confirmation and understanding of the location and orientation for all concerned in the case, especially the jury. A conviction resulted.

要了解3D现实捕获解决方案如何有助于协助调查,bob综合app赌博speak with our team here.


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