The all-new simplified point cloud processing software

Faheem Khan talks about the industry’s most trusted point cloud registration platform

Smarter Registration, Collaboration and Visualisation – The new version ofLeica Cycloneis aimed to enhance users experience making point cloud processing seamless and simple. Faheem Khan, VP of Business Development at Leica Geosystems, gives his insights on the new industry -leading 3D point cloud processing software.

What makes the new version of Leica Cyclone special?

Leica Cyclone has the reputation of being the industry’s most trusted point cloud registration platform. With the recent introduction ofCyclone REGISTER 360,我们进一步加强了我们在市场上的地位,并解决了一些主要的瓶颈,以防止更广泛采用3D点云处理技术。这些瓶颈包括较长的处理时间,缺乏自动化,缺少质量控制功能以及任务的纯粹复杂性。使用Cyclone寄存器360,登记速度最高为20倍,而简单的阻力 - Drop - GO功能和质量管理已内置在产品的核心中。同样重要的是用户体验。用户可以从所需的本地语言开始注册,并使用现代,视觉,简单和工作流程生产最终的可交付成果。

What new features were added to Leica Cyclone?

Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360 andCyclone Cloud (TruView) Servicesare the two main additions to the Cyclone product family. One key aspect of our offering is in the common software architecture and connectedness of the solution. This allows the user to deploy once and use in many other applications. Beyond a pure technology improvement, some of the key features added to the product family include:

  • The ability to complete registration – from data import to a completed key plan – through a single button click
  • The ability to deployTruView Enterpriseas a Leica Geosystems managed service in under a minute
  • 生产注册报告以在行业中设定新标准的能力
How will the newly added features add value and benefit Leica Cyclone users?

The improvements we are bringing to Cyclone are focused on addressing three primary goals:

  • To reduce current product complexity and make scanning data processing as simple as possible
  • To significantly enhance the speed of current workflows and to automate processes
  • To deliver solutions in the segments where our customers operate – from public safety to plant engineering
What industry trends and customer needs drove you and your team to create a new version of Leica Cyclone?

As we see an increasing number of “non-traditional” professionals enter the space of 3D laser scanning, it became apparent that we needed to adapt our product portfolio to allow such non-professionals to deliver professional results. This is the promise of Cyclone to new customers. For existing customers, we hard pressed to automate and enhance our workflows to make things simple and fast. One other driving force behind this – beyond our simplicity goal – was to offer non – English packages as we grow our presence in key markets such as China and Japan.

How would you describe the new look and feel of Leica Cyclone?

用户体验(UX)的设计,Leica Cyclone的外观和感觉与我们上一代产品不同。bob综合app下载这是与专业顾问一起生活和呼吸UX的可用性研究和研讨会的结果,这些顾问是该项目的主要贡献者。旋风的新UX旨在对每天使用我们的产品的客户无缝,简单且有用。bob综合app下载

Can you describe the overall experience of working together with your team to upgrade Leica Cyclone?

尽管这种变化和新产品似乎已经很长时间了,但我们最近的两个项目大约需要18个月才能完成。这种体验压力很大,令人振奋,有益,累人,需要和值得 - 换句话说,这是一个很棒的过山车。非常感谢参与其中的每个人!

要了解有关Leica Cyclone访问的更多信息


Faheem Khan is Vice President of Geomatics Division at Leica Geosystems. Faheem has been in the Software and 3D industry for over 20 years and leads the product management of Leica Geosystems' laser scanning software division.

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Leica Cyclone - Smarter Registration, Visualisation, Collaboration

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