
Case study


Author:Arne Forsell


“我认为这是当今可用的土壤压实机的最佳机器控制系统。我们将其用于几乎所有的土壤压实物,我们对溶液非常熟悉。Leica图标压实解决方案包含我们需要的所有功能,”PEAB首席测量师Fredrik Larsson说。





在他在Hässleholm的家中,距离酒店有45分钟的车程,他喜欢与家人共度时光。如果剩下任何空闲时间,他将与自行车俱乐部的朋友一起在周围的森林中经营山地自行车。“I used to run a lot of我小时候骑自行车旅行。”拉尔森说:“但是有一天,我的膝盖结束了这一点,从那时起,我就开始骑自行车,主要是山地自行车。”It is a nice hobby for someone who works on large heavy construction projects.

在Highway Project E22的这一部分中,Larsson担任首席测量师,这项工作需要大量的检查和数据分析。但是拉尔森对他的工作充满信心,原因之一是因为他得到了Leica Icon土壤压实解决方案的支持。

与人体对人体的重要性一样重要,建筑项目中填充材料的压实也是必不可少的。要完全了解项目的各个阶段以及露台和向上的所有层,以实时查看所有值并与数据一起工作非常重要,而Larsson可以依靠解决方案。他和他的员工已经测试了几种机器控制解决方案以进行压实。尽管如此,他仍然知道,当他从Leica Geosystems提供解决方案时,他已经找到了正确的解决方案,并且他经历了他对如何微调解决方案的想法和要求。

“With iCON soil compaction, I have full control of my work. It is so easy to handleit. Any of our foremen can work with the solution and easily监督工作流并在压实中找到弱点。所有值和数据均由土壤压实器的压实表值传感器注册,并无线传输。参与该项目的每个人都可以从他们的电脑,”拉尔森说。


Larsson does not need to go to the physical construction site that often, and it is not because he is afraid of leaving the office chair and go out in the real world. He receives continuous updates on his computer on how the compaction process is going. The data is shown with colour codes. Every movement that the soil compactor makes is displayed, and the colour codes are reflections of the variation in soil stiffness. Exact measurement indications along the line show the exact location of weak spots, so you don’t have to look for them. This results in higher quality of the work and lower operational costs.



Seated on the vibration soil compactor, a 12 tonnes Dynapac CA 3500D, machine operator Edis Mazlovic has full control of his work thanks to the crisp clear MCP80 panel placed in the right side of his windscreen. He can monitor the passes he has made, how the soil has been compacted under his machine and how he can avoid over or under compaction. Mazlovic can detect the weak spots early in the process and ensure that the compaction work is done as cost-efficiently as possible. The data is continuously transferred in real time to the office where Larsson receives it.


The detection of weak spots in the soil made by the iCON compaction solution has also changed the work of the geotechnicians testing the weak spots. Only two compaction tests are now required on the areas identified as weak by the machine control solution. The workflow has been streamlined, resulting in significant costs and time savings.

高效,准确,易于使用以及成本效益。这些是Leica Icon土壤压实解决方案的关键词,这就是为什么Peab的首席测量师找到了他最喜欢的解决方案,并且敢于说:“该解决方案是市场上最好的!”

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