Leica Geosystems Twitter聊天定于5月26日

Leica Geosystems

3D激光扫描 @ HXGN Live:与杰夫·雅各布斯(Geoff Jacobs)的Twitter聊天,定于5月26日下午5点CET。

Geoff JAcobs

Geosystems HDS
senior vice-president
of strategic marketing

Geoff Jacobs,Leica Geosystems高清测量(HDS)战略营销高级副总裁,将回答有关HDS和HDS的客户问题HXGN Live在5月26日下午5点的Twitter聊天中。CET。

作为地理系统激光扫描/HDS子轨道所有者, Jacobs has a long history in the industry. During the Twitter Chat, he will be sharing his insights about the unique sub-track and the conference overall.

“If you’re a Leica Geosystems HDS user or considering becoming one, this is definitely the single best conference to attend,” said Jacobs. “From networking with international colleagues to detailed sessions, I will be sharing some insider secrets of how to best navigateHXGN Liveduring this Twitter Chat.”

Highlights from the chat will include:

  • Networking with HDS users from all over the world

  • Find value in every session

  • 发现您的下一个大主意或伴侣

  • 充分利用动手训练

  • Enjoy the magic of the location – Anaheim, California (my home state)



Découvrez comment les clients de partout dans le monde déploient des solutions Leica Geosystems pour leurs projets.
Découvrez comment les clients de partout dans le monde déploient des solutions Leica Geosystems pour leurs projets.


Trouver Fotre与Leica Geosystems联系,Une援助技术OU UNE Deculte Sav。
Trouver Fotre与Leica Geosystems联系,Une援助技术OU UNE Deculte Sav。