Revolution in motion

Severn Partnership努力使用最新且具有创新的解决方案为其客户提供服务。自从收购Leica Pegasus以来,总部位于英国什鲁斯伯里的特许地理(土地)测量师二人公司(Two)将这种尖端技术用于客户的各种基础设施和建筑项目。凭借这项新技术的好处,Severn Partnership渴望传递这项新技术的好处,很高兴被委托调查M6的一部分,以收集重要资产,以制定其风险和维护策略计划。对Midlands地区M6的17公里(10英里)部分进行了完整的详细调查,包括车道限制,碰撞障碍,资产,路标和SOS电话,中心线,中央预订,桥梁结构和灯柱。需要进行调查以改善高速公路的整体布局,以确保可以维持定期维护检查,以消除锅孔,并为驾驶员保持光滑,安全的道路表面。


The best solution for mapping the M6 motorway
Severn Partnership used mobile mapping – the process of collecting 3D geospatial information from a moving vehicle – to quickly and accurately provide customers with 2D and 3D CAD plans as well as fully registered point clouds of the entire route section. These point clouds are millions of individual coordinates measured on anything the laser reflects off, such as bridges and roads and can be used to extract even more information, such as GIS datasets. The device is attached to the roof of a moving vehicle and seven cameras then capture a full 360° dome image every 2 metres (6.5 feet). Simultaneously, a LiDAR scanner records cross section data every 2 millimetres (0.08 inches). All this is combined into a single cloud creating a 3D model. The result is a direct mapping of features without the need for complex post-processing of observed data, saving time and resources.

A world of opportunity
徕卡珀加索斯:两个和移动映射过程ss have revolutionised the world of surveying. There are huge benefits for using mobile mapping systems, especially for infrastructure projects such as the M6 motorway. Access to the motorway is left clear, with no need to close off roads, as the Pegasus:Two acts in the same way as any other public vehicles, only it is collecting 3D geospatial data. Safety is drastically improved using mobile mapping because surveyors no longer need to stand in the road working under time pressure in critical environments to complete projects. All data is now captured from the safety of a vehicle travelling the same speed as the rest of the traffic.

收集到的数据的速度和准确性也得到了提高。使用传统的静态激光扫描方法,两个团队将花几个月的时间来调查M6的17公里(10英里)部分的高速公路和其他资产。使用Leica Pegasus:两个,Severn Partnership在短短两周内就为客户提供了详细的可交付成果。与传统的静态激光扫描相比,降低数据收集速度意味着为客户节省60%的成本。同样,涵盖了较大的周长,使用雷达和摄影测量法可以更准确,高效和完整的数据。

“At Severn Partnership, we understand the need to invest in the latest technology in order to continue to offer the highest level of service to our customers. Pegasus:Two is one of the most accurate mobile mapping unit on the market and does not need survey ground control installed ahead of it, ” said Mark Combes, managing director at Severn Partnership. “We will be transferring it between mobile vehicles, cars, vans, roadrailers, trolleys and other vehicles to scan data across all number of terrain.”


由Natalie Binder撰写


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