Building a fast track between Germany and Denmark

Case study

Author:Karina Lumholt

The Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link is a planned immersed tunnel proposed to connect Germany and Denmark, allowing travellers to go by train between countries in only seven to 10 minutes or drive through a four-lane motorway. Upon completion, this18公里长的隧道将是world’s largest tunnel它的善良并有望雇用高达3,000人。Fehmarn皮带固定链接是一款用户融资的70亿欧元项目预计将在近九年内完成,这将在丹麦岛的德国Fehmarn和Rødby的德国岛上连接Puttgarden。除了哥本哈根和马尔默之间的Øresund固定联系,FEHMARN皮带固定链路将带来斯堪的纳维亚和中欧,通过命名的南北走廊。


Preparatory construction work for this European mega project.

holbølla / s, a Danish construction company carrying out quality work in the fields of soil, concrete, sewerage and coating for both private and public builders, plays an important role on this project with the earthworks for56个桥梁on the Ringsted-Rødby line, the main route crossing Denmark leading where the tunnel would start. Holbøll’s undertakings for this European mega project includes drainage work for the new bridges as well as building the ramps to the bridges. With a total of three years, expected to be finished soon, this is the biggest project the company has ever undertaken.

公司的成功基于适应市场不断创造的新挑战和变化。这种方法使公司能够赢得船舶合同来支持铁路网络在Ringsted和Rødby之间的工作。大约130名员工and a machine park of22 machines equipped with machine control来自Leica Geosystems,Holbøll正在按时和商定的价格提供创新和可持续的解决方案。

At one of the bridges in Vordingborg, operator Flemming Ove Nielsen usesLeica iCON GD4 3D system在61px小松推土机上为建造斜坡进行第一个粗略的工作。

“Dozer对这种工作非常有效,因为它可以移动这么多的污垢,并且随机控制,保持刀片的正确角度,”霍尔巴洛的共同主任和董事总经理解释了Carl-OleHolbøll。“Flemming uses machine control for creating the slope and then the excavator takes over for the final grading work,”Holbøll说。

The dual GNSS solution for dozer is an advantage because the slope is so steep, and to achieve an accurate cross-slope, dual GNSS is required.

进一步沿着铁路轨道5 kilometres,另一桥坡道正在建设中。挖掘机使用徕卡图标IXE3 3D系统for the finishing layer of the ramp slope. The operator has used the solution to document the height of the different dirt layers by simply placing the bucket and letting iXE3 register the height for the as-built documentation and payment release. This节省了很多时间因为操作员不必等待验船员为每层进行竣工文档。



随着隧道,Ringsted与Lübeck之间的导轨链路的升级和扩展将提供更短且更快的连接。Fehmarn皮带固定链接是欧洲十吨网络的一部分,其目的是提高基础设施的效率,降低环境影响。Ten-T的目标是将更多的货运从路上转移到铁路上,减少能量消耗,缓解道路拥堵。The infrastructure for rail freight will be significantly improved because freight between Scandinavia and the rest of Europe would no longer need to drive across Storebælt in Denmark, and the rail freight will be缩短了10公里

Paving the next steps

Paving the next steps
Using a dozer for the heavy-duty earthworks.

负责公司船舶A / S迈出了下一步,开发了隧道元素的工厂将建立的区域。持续的考古调查,筹备供应基础设施和排水融资于55毫克欧元。与Leica Geosystems一起使用,HolbøllA/ s已经预约了几个派生项目,包括在丹麦的Strandholm湖中排出和移动八公顷

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