

在徕卡混沌之间,我们致力于提供the best surveying technology and shape smart change by creating products that are mobile, agile and efficient – just like the飞马:背包.

在这个新的专家见解部分中,Leica Geosystems的移动映射产品线经理Alessandro Nuzzo详细解释了此可穿戴现实捕获解决方案的技术,工作流和应用程序。bob综合app赌博

什么是Leica Pegasus:背包?





除轨迹外,我们还有两个激光雷达,每秒收集600,000点和五个自动曝光的高动态摄像机,每个摄像头具有4 mpix分辨率 - 在LIDAR上启用特征提取或超过准确的光程序测量。所有数据都存储在一台集成的多核工业PC中,并带有一台稳定的固态驱动器存储,以便轻松节省任务。





What makes the Pegasus:Backpack special?


It is clear – the product’s disruptive characteristics. Starting from the futuristic product design to the use of carbon fibre to reduce weight and increase the ergonomic. Continuing with the embedded technology, dual LiDAR, five high dynamic cameras, IMU and SLAM navigation technology, it is a unique data collection tool for the modern surveyor.


Can you explain the workflow (data acquisition, post processing, extract information, export to CAD) of the Pegasus:Backpack?

前提条件是让Master GNSS站距数据收集位置或HXGN SmartNet覆盖范围15公里。数据收集不需要测量师技能 - 可以简单地由训练有素的操作员完成。

操作员打开系统,并将通过Wi-Fi或LAN传递的平板电脑连接到数据采集模块运行的内部PC - 这是用于数据采集的仪表板。在开始捕获之前,操作员需要首先静态地初始化系统,然后走一分钟的夫妻。确定位置后,他将启动数据收集,并由平板电脑完全控制,在那里他可以实时监视图像,LIDAR单元和GNSS信号强度。任务完成后,操作员将进行静态末端对齐阶段并关闭任务。

后处理工作流程高度自动化。通过简单地将USB密钥插入Pegasus:背包,可以下载所有数据并准备好发布后处理。运营商可以预选可交付成果并启动后处理计算 - 无需监督该过程。与SLAM算法接口的强大工具直接嵌入到后处理软件中。它可以在处理和完成数据集之前进行可视化,并在需要时校正SLAM导航。

All industry standard file formats, like LAS, PTS, and E57, are supported and can be exported. Depending on the software solutions used for feature extraction, the Pegasus Software Suite natively produces 3D point clouds and images for ESRI ArcMap or Autodesk AutoCAD.


The system’s flexibility and ease of use is expanding the applications, going from the most common, for example, professional Building Information Modelling (BIM) documentation, surveying, asset collection, underground infrastructure maintenance, disaster recovery, and safety and security, to more digital reality oriented applications, like industrial training, accidents simulation and urban planning.



There are dozens of exciting applications. One of the coolest data collection was in Vars, France, where we provided 3D data for the speed world record attempt in downhill snow mountain biking.

在3,000 m高的情况下,有强风,温度在0摄氏度左右,滑雪者穿着Pegasus:背包:背包,并收集了必要的数据,以计算数字地形模型(DTM),该模型被送入Leica Icon Controled Snow Machine以准备准备速度尝试的理想斜率。

Another very impressive application was the data collection of the Paris sewers- an extremely challenging environment for humans and the equipment. With the Pegasus:Backpack and the optional flashlight module, we collected a never-before-seen perspective – having the city surface with its buildings and streets and the sewers underground structure in one single 3D data set. The flashlight module delivered crystal clear images unveiling all the manual sprayed notes on the walls. This information was never georeferenced and not visible in any cadastral map. Through the images, it was possible to recognise where maintenance was needed to assure a continued public service avoiding unexpected outages.




Electricity utility companies are collecting the high voltage power lines to map the infrastructure, analyse the cable sag between two electricity poles, and verify if vegetation is obstructing the right-of-way – assuring a high level of network service availability. Others are taking full advantage of the Pegasus:Backpack indoor capability and collecting entire buildings, verifying the as-built in terms of documentation and square metres per room. Recently, Italian civil protection used the Pegasus:Backpack to quickly get an overview and properly plan the recovery of a devastated city in Italy after an earthquake. All these data use cases have in common the advantage of multiples layers of information provided by LiDAR, imagery, and SLAM or navigation.

Leica Pegasus:背包最近在英国广播公司的意大利无形城市系列中刊登。您能告诉我们更多有关如何Leica Pegasus:两个雷卡·皮卡斯(Leica Pegasus):背包在揭示这些迷人的意大利城市的秘密方面发挥了重要作用?

It was a fantastic experience working with great professionals. The Pegasus:Backpack and Pegasus:Two were recognised for their ease of use, flexibility, speed and the quality of the data collection they provided. Similar to survey professionals, also in TV shows, production time is related to costs.

当我们在威尼斯捕捉带有飞马的船上的运河时:两天之内,我们在一次捕获中收集了超过10公里的3D点云和数千张图像。我们不必关闭扫描区域,也没有好奇的游客打扰了该系列 - 我们只是在桥下航行,以便能够产生一种新的“运河视图”视角,而传统的捕获方法是不可能的。就车辆和电源独立性而言,灵活性使之有所不同。

在那不勒斯,佛罗伦萨和比萨,挑战是不同的。由于许多历史悠久的欧洲城市,市中心人口稠密,交通封闭,宫殿阻碍了GNSS信号。在那不勒斯,我们收集了地下洞穴,在佛罗伦萨和比萨,我们捕获了室内。仅依靠GNSS/ IMU的技术将无法收集数据 - 使用Pegasus:Backpack,这是一款主场游戏。通过使用SLAM,我们逐步收集并向所有数据收集,并在不需要扫描注册的情况下提供了全面的3D数据集。通过仅穿着12公斤的浅色飞马:背包,我们在15分钟内捕获了Pisa塔的完整螺旋楼梯,其293台阶。


技术不能仅视为硬件或传感器集成。相关的软件工作流程和处理速度同样重要。我们将在这里集中精力并决定是否需要其他信息层来开发正确的答案以满足市场需求 - 一层可以预测准确性并帮助用户提供最高准确性,甚至在离开办公室之前。


Share with us how you are solving complex daily challenges using Leica Geosystems equipment.
Share with us how you are solving complex daily challenges using Leica Geosystems equipment.


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Etsi Leica GeosystemsinsinYhteyshenkilöMyyntiä,Asiakaspalvelua jateknistäTukeavarten。



