
After a long week, one Friday in June 2019 a PLP Construction Site Engineer had packed up his kit and tools and loaded it into his van, only to discover later his Leica TS16 was missing.


Credits:M&P调查PLP Construction Ltd

LOC8 is an asset protection and anti-theft solution integrated into select Leica Geosystems Total Stations that incorporates the latest positioning and communications technologies. Providing, both indoors and outdoors, understanding where you assets are.


经过漫长的一周之后,PLP Construction的现场工程师在曼彻斯特的星期五晚上进行了艰苦的工作,收拾了他的工具包和工具,将其装载到他的面包车上,并在回家的路上前往健身房。返回面包车时,很快就显而易见的是,雇用的Leica TS16失踪并且被盗。盗窃被报告给大曼彻斯特警察局,并提供了犯罪参考号。


Trackimo Share

As the equipment was on hire from M&P Survey Equipment Ltd, a call was made out-of-hours to notify their hiredesk. As all of their state-of-the-art TS16 hire fleet is protected by LOC8, the hiredesk immediately logged into the web portal and checked the status of the reported stolen equipment.

An up-to-the-minute on-demand position was requested and the update rate set to every 1 minute to follow the stolen goods. The live position was then shared to PLP Construction using a link that displays on a Google Maps page without the need to log in to the owner's account or the manual sending of map screenshots.


Site Engineer



The police are currently collating evidence to build a prosecution, the TS16 was returned to PLP Construction's Site Engineer without adding any further inconvenience such as impounding the stolen equipment for forensic analysis.

从Web门户网站,当天的跟踪历史记录被带有时间戳和Google Maps位置链接,显示了所采用的路线,从而使时间戳询问餐厅的停车位,以请求请求相应的CCTV镜头,以帮助重建时间表。盗窃

Special Acknowledgements...

Leica Geosystemswould like to thank M&P Survey Equipment Ltd, PLP Construction Ltd, Lancashire Police and Greater Manchester Police for the prompt assistance, contributions and permissions to reproduces images in this TruStory and the successful recovery of a theft.


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LOC8 Total station theft deterrence and location solution


Para todos los propietarios y empleados de empresas de Topografía y Cartografía, Ingeniería Civil y Contructoras, LOC8 es un complemento fundamental para las estaciones totales.
para todos los propietarios y empleados de empresas detopografíaycartografía,ingeniería民事y confuctoras,loc8 es un es Replemento Conformento基本para las estaciones ...