
Leica Cyclone网络

Leica Geosystems高清测量软件经历了多个更新。

徕卡混沌之间,全球领先的测量reality capture technologies, has made several progressive updates to its popular High Definition Surveying (HDS) software for 3D laser scanning.

"As businesses move further and further into digitalisation, our users need clearer and better access to the digital realities they work in on a daily business to achieve their objectives," said Faheem Khan, Leica Geosystems vice-president for HDS Business Development. "With these new HDS software updates, our users can now easily and efficiently achieve that access to be more productive in the capture, analysis and delivery phases of the project, and achieve higher return on investment."


增强Leica Cyclone's自动注册功能意味着客户可以使用时间戳或原理图协会通过新的SmartAlign工具来利用现场中的无目标扫描,并通过新的SmartAlign工具来利用速度和稳健性改进。对于外部成像传感器用户(ISTAR,SPHERON,NODAL NINJA),新的自动图像ALIGN例程在当今的过程中删除了效率低下。

更新Leica JetStreamhave enabled viewing unlimited size point clouds - all the data, all the time - in a stand-alone free viewer that can be handed over to all stakeholders. Such viewing, along with direct reading, means no time-consuming format exports/imports.



With updates inLeica TruView Global现在,资产管理系统现在可以轻松地通过地理标签链接到数字现实。Truview Global还将所有多传感器数据和3D模型带入了轻巧的Web访问平台,提供简单的协作和新功能,通过搜索和列表的热链接和标记列表创造了简单的访问。


现在,对射击的增强功能使用户可以使用诸如用户坐标系,夹子,切片和限制框等生产工具等项目的项目中生产直通视频,以查看,访问和体验数字现实。此外,用户可以生产独立的Jetstream Viewer文件,以与所有人共享数字现实数据。


AutoCAD的Leica Cloudworx已更新了一些突破性功能,可为可交付生产带来更高的生产率:

  • QuickSlice和Auto-fit polyline用于快速2D线路的点云
  • 冲突和独特的防allash,以便于冲突调查和管理 - 现在有可导出的结果进行报告
  • 除了旋风和射流技术外,AutoCAD的CloudWorx现在直接支持Autodesk Recap

要了解有关这些更新以及HDS如何改善业务的更多信息,立即联系您当地的Leica Geosystems代表

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