崩溃,犯罪现场纠正了Leica BLK3D

Working with prosecutor offices and defense attorneys in Italy and across Europe, I conducted countless hours of forensic mappings of crash, collision, traffic accident and crime scenes. I led investigations and provided reconstruction services.

我理解的程序和挑战working, documenting and measuring a collision or a crime scene, as well as collecting evidence. Based on my close work with different law enforcement agencies and court experts worldwide over the last decades, I understand, that adopting the best technology with an easy and validated methodology can be of a great help to document an event, especially when the evidence collected is a fundamental part of a criminal or civil court hearing.

很多时候,在场景上,为了理解和细节水平,我本来可以使任务更快,更安全,更有效地使用手持技术来记录和收集证据。幸运的是,今天,Leica BLK3D实时的,图3D测量解决方案可确保在现场最短的时间内整体收集证据以提高安全性。

Simply create deliverable data


The device runs the BLK3D enhanced software capability on an Android platform, and it's possible to measure directly on display in a matter of seconds. After collecting the evidence, you can send a comprehensive report to the supervisor or to the remote office. Just following an easy, intuitive and validated procedure, there is no more need to perform hand measurements, "bending on the road" to extend a tape and使操作员面临不必要的风险。

With the BLK3D, every image captured is a complete and precise 3D measurement record. Later, after the scene is cleared and is no longer possible to re-visit, the exact metric information can be extracted from the images that froze the scene in time, all without losing any details.


  • Document the scene and evidence with images

The BLK3D combines a calibrated stereo camera, measurement sensors, software, and on-device edge detection capabilities to make in-picture measurements with professional-grade accuracy. Every image captured is a complete and precise 3D measurement record.

  • 在碰撞场景上获取测量
    Designed to make your measurements faster and easier, you can measure directly within any picture you can capture with the BLK3D. It will help you fully document your work, including as-built conditions and project progress.

  • 用至少2D缩放的事故现场完成报告
    Easy as it is, just take images and notes and leave the scene. The technology of the BLK3D, allows you to use the BLK3D handheld device to document the scene with extractable measurements of the required metrics data regarding the crash scene like, objects, landmarks, evidence, vehicles, etc.

Simply create a scaled 2D drawing of the collision scene

There are many ways to deliver a 2D drawing of the incident scene. For instance, the BLK3D includes the laser measurement capability (like Disto™) to acquire point-to-point measurements. With an adaptor, the BLK3D can be used as a kind of "mini total station" to export the data to your CAD-based software.

We all agree that it is crucial to document as many details as possible on the accident scene in the shortest possible time. Due to the technical abilities and time restrictions on site, a point-to-point method can force the investigator to select just some main evidence and points while neglecting others.

Working with the third-part software for the rectification of photographs,PC-Rect,我et’s look at how this 2D drawing can be created.


BLK3D的独特功能使用户可以从设备的摄影测量测量中提取彩绘线,标记或其他持久的道路特征,这些路口出现在原始照片中。我已经进行了一些测试,比较了使用BLK3D和PC-rect的结果以及使用Leica BLK360成像激光扫描仪进行的一些测量结果。结果总结如下:

  • 没有重大错误
    According to the conditions and methodology of this experiment, in the test scenario, results have shown no significant errors between distances readable from the BLK3D and distances readable from the BLK360 using theLeica JetStream Viewer

  • 匹配的准确性
    The same grade of accuracy applies to the measurement taken on the PC-Rect image (view normal to the surface) as a result of the rectification, a process using the BLK3D and PC-RECT software.

  • 可接受的准确性

Accident investigation and incident reconstruction are made easy without sacrificing accuracy using the BLK3D. With a worldwide validated accident investigation software, like PC- Rect, this field is prime for exploration.


作为一名长期的法医专家,以及在欧洲认可的第一位Actar(交通事故重建主义者认证委员会)专家,重点是犯罪和坠机场景法医映射和交通事故重建,Ivan Macella(Beng。,Actar)是法医业务发展manager for Hexagon’s Geosystems division in Europe.

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碰撞and collision investigation

Quickly document crash scenes in 2D or 3D even under challenging conditions
Quickly document crash scenes in 2D or 3D even under challenging conditions

Create your Forensic Digital Twin with us!


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Looking to move beyond traditional investigation methods or master your documentation technology?