
Author:Renata BarradasGutiérrez


但,您是否曾经想过是什么是在安全地搬到城市的背后?Although most likely building or repairing infrastructure first comes to mind, there are other crucial activities, just like监视,尽管没有引起人们的注意,但仍可帮助工程师和设计师了解基础设施和材料的结构运动的影响。到reduce risk to infrastructure,,,,早期的精确的监视是必要的。

The infrastructure supporting each of us, be it roads, bridges, dams, buildings and railways is subjected to hazards, environmental factors, and load pressure. Stress and risk to infrastructure can come from direct use but also from other factors, such as nearby construction sites and excavations. Such is the case of a north section of Luas light rail system in Dublin, Ireland where the construction of a group of commercial buildings - build to cope with the increasing demand for student accommodation - were monitored to ensure the integrity of the transportation system.

有六十七个站和42.5 kilometresof track, Dublin’s Luas light rail system safely carried4180万乘客在2018年。为了最大程度地减少与Luas的安全和结构完整性有关的当前和未来问题,Datum Monitoring Ireland(Lloyds Datum Group的一部分)是一家专业公司远程监测土方工程,,,,structures and transport infrastructure, analysed the data of the dual Luas light railway system continuously through a specialised monitoring system.


LDG Datum was requested by Walls Construction to supply an effective, accurate and reliablewarning system那会操作24/7如果阈值超出规格,并近乎实时通知利益相关者。监测系统需要满足设计要求,地方议会法规和运输基础设施爱尔兰(TII)的实践守则,而无需任何时候中断铁路运营。LDG数据的团队还必须确保电车道上没有物理对象。传统方法涉及调查工程师进行身体手动读数,从而造成了自己的固有危险。

监视解决方案涉及测量,岩土技术和环境传感器以及监视软件。LDG Datum的监视解决方案该项目由两个组成Leica Nova MS60多立场,一个LS15数字级地缘监测软件。该解决方案允许非侵入性运动监测;因此,该地区可以在整个项目的整个期限内保持开放,而不会对公共或铁路服务造成干扰。

“ Datum的现场核心活动是使用Leica Geosystems的机器人多固化 - MS60进行对双Luas轻轨轨道的连续扫描。这些仪器连续扫描双电车,并直接托管数据,并直接访问了安全的网页,以审查相关的派系,”LDG Datum主任Mark Hodgen

The team also used振动监测用融合的声音级麦克风捕获由现场作品和使用电感位移传感器引起的地面传播振动,以监视相邻结构上现有裂纹的裂纹运动。连续的灰尘监测站,此外,该站用于捕获当地的PM10颗粒或颗粒污染的水平。


The main monitoring tasks captured all heave or settlement [vertical elevation of ground] of the light way tram line through the激光扫描MS60。保持the rail track area free from hurdles, no prisms on or near-by the track were mounted. Hundreds of mark points along the closest part of the rail were, therefore, measured with laser scanning. The captured scans consist of thousands of measurement points with X,Y,Z coordinates, allowing to detect outliers [blunders] and ensure that the wanted position [area] is measured in a reliable way, even under normal load of the rail track traffic and the adjacent pedestrian area.

Three initial scans set a baseline to obtain a reference scan. All subsequent scans were compared to their reference scan and calculate the median deformation between the reference and the subsequent scan. This value is used to compare against a defined threshold. TII’s code of practice solicits to trigger alarms, should displacement occur. The system provided automated alerts notifying designated stakeholders when values surpassed the designated threshold.

The scanned data captured by the two MultiStations was collected through GeoMoS and hosted on LDG Datum’s secure website so its client and TII could have full visibility of the current and historic recorded values. This量身定制的过程,从获取数据到变形分析,完全自动化

"Data was checked and compared to historical data allowing a safe protocol to be followed. Our bespoke physical on-street precise levelling captured by Geosystems LS15, was undertaken weekly, to provide the contractor with assurance and a back-up that the automated monitoring was working as planned. Vibration and noise monitoring were also carried out on surrounding buildings during the demolition, piling and construction phase,”Hodgen。“LDG Datum offered Walls Construction a complete remote monitoring systems package, so they can access and review data.”




“考虑到岩土技术和建筑工程的水平,我们对该项目的主要重点是确保公共基础设施和周围建筑物保持不受干扰。LDG基准在监测部门中具有很高的信誉。因此,我们与Mark及其团队互动,该团队设计了一个合适的系统,该系统符合O’Connor Sutton Cronin(咨询工程师)规格和运输基础设施爱尔兰的工程守则,以在Luas Light Rail System上工作,”墙壁建设部门主任Cathal Healy说。“ LDG数据提供了高度准确,可靠且在商业上可行的服务,我们很高兴能将它们参与这个项目。”

承包商,就像墙壁建设一样在施工前后,降低其风险的暴露通过不断监视该项目通过其生命周期进行的。地理系统的监视系统detect and help rectify potential problems在任何结构中,情况变得至关重要或变得更糟。

LDG Datum Website –www.lloydsdatumgroup.com



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