
Case Study

Author:Penny Boviatsou

地震是对构造板之间运动的反应。随着两个板以稳定的速度一起推动,沿板边界的岩石变得越来越压力,直到最终必须给出东西为止 - 地震沿着板边界区域的某个地方发生。


SmartFix基于世界上最大的参考站网络HXGN SmartNet,是新西兰最广泛的GNSS参考站网络,在全国范围内拥有70多个电台。SmartFix提供百分钟水平,实时运动学校正,后处理解决方案和子级GIS校正。HXGN SmartNet是一款集成的24/7 GNSS网络RTK和校正服务,构建在世界上最大的参考网络上,可实现具有GNSS能力的设备,以快速确定精确的位置。

“Providing a real-time kinematic (RTK) correction service over the internet and RINEX files for post processing, our customers can enjoy the benefits of SmartFix,” said Bruce Robinson, director at Global Survey Limited. “If their GPS or GNSS receiver can connect to the internet, SmartFix can deliver the data they need.”

Earthquakes shaking up New Zealand


新西兰有两种类型的地震。北岛下方的深层地震形成了一个定义明确的乐队(地震区),从马尔伯勒(Marlborough)穿过怀特岛(White Island)。浅层地震往往发生在这个地震带的东南部,而较深的地震发生在西北。




Investigating earthquake activity




To manage this deformation, the datum itself is moving and deforming along with the New Zealand land mass – it is a “plate-fixed” datum.


The local area distortion, however, is small, and for most applications, the deformation can be and is ignored. This allow for distances, bearings and areas to be calculated directly from NZGD2000 coordinates. This deformation, however, needs to be continually addressed and managed by the reference station administrators.

忽略的误差变化没有比n one millimetre in a kilometre for each year since 2000. A deformation model is periodically applied to account for deformation due to earthquakes, regarding calculating NZGD2000 coordinates, and as the measurement of the deformation model becomes more accurate.



NZGD2000基准设置为2000年1月1日 - 最后一次一切都很好地融合在一起。自2000年以来,新西兰已经进行了17。5年的差异运动,尽管商标的坐标没有改变,但相对位置却有。今天从三个不同参考站进行调查的观点可能会有三个不同的NZGD2000坐标取决于所使用的参考站。

“Education of clients is a major part of SmartFix administrator job here in New Zealand, as we are upskilling users to understand the geodetic implications of station selection,” said Robinson.

第二个挑战是获得并选择Leica GNSS Spider参考站软件所需的参考站的两个坐标。这两个坐标是当前的时期坐标,以确保网络的可靠性和NZGD2000坐标的可靠性。GNSS蜘蛛解决方案是一个集成软件套件,用于集中控制和操作GNSS参考站和网络,并帮助管理新西兰等复杂环境。

A reliable and efficient solution

Using a network like HxGN SmartNet (SmartFix in New Zealand) saves field crews time as it precludes the setup of separate base stations, and it avoids the risk of having control fail due to a damaged or stolen base and removes the issues of radio interference. Surveyors have long used GNSS networks to save time and money as well as remove potential sources of error.


  • GPS接收器
  • 电池和电缆
  • 两个收音机
  • 三脚架和杆子
  • 并为每个项目建立自己的本地基础,


“At Survey Global we are committed to the growth of the SmartFix (SmartNet) network,” said Robinson. “It enables our customers to get reliable and repeatable NZGD2000 coordinates, despite the tectonic challenges, and for the user it makes them more efficient, allowing them to complete projects on time and on budget.”


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