
狮子旋风takes 3D reality capture from field-to-finish

狮子旋风Expert Insight
bob综合app赌博对于许多不同行业来说,现实捕获技术变得越来越重要。如今,从调查和建筑信息建模(BIM)项目到石油和天然气,取证和建筑以及非传统行业,例如媒bob综合app下载体和娱乐以及诸如媒体和娱乐以及房地产。现实捕获用户群的这种扩展使Leica Geobob综合app赌博systems近年来的软件开发促进了。Leica Cyclone软件系列通过简化整个过程 - 从字段到成品,使更广泛的用户可以访问3D激光扫描项目。



强大的旋风场360in-field software works seamlessly with Leica Geosystems award-winning 3D reality capture laser scanners - theLeica BLK360andLeica RTC360。使用旋风域360自动预注册和点云数据的预先对准,可以直接在现场中轻松操纵数据。这是现实捕获领域迈出的重要一步,因为它允许用户在该领域中进行有价值的工作bob综合app赌博,从而可以显着减少甚至消除其办公室工作流的主要组成部分,并在捕获过程中为项目添加宝贵的上下文信息。

Cyclone Field 360利用了视觉注册过程气旋REGISTERto allow users to quickly place scans in relative alignment to one another supporting completeness checks and pre-alignment that can greatly improve the speed and quality of a final registration.

For users who need to produce a virtual tour or to quickly communicate field conditions with other stakeholders, Cyclone FIELD 360 has the capability to publish a pre-aligned lightweight preview of the captured point cloud data, GeoTags, thermal imagery and High-Dynamic Range (HDR) imagery directly toLeica Truview Cloudso that it is instantly available to teams or clients off-site, on any device, in any location, speeding up the decision-making process. Projects can then be registered and prepared in气旋返回办公室,以创建其他可交付成果或传统设计工作。

In the earliest days of laser scanning, field work used to require a powerful laptop, backup batteries and multiple operators to complete large jobs. Backup power supplies for the laptop and scanner were a must and weighed up to 15 pounds apiece (for scanner batteries). Jobs that took a month or more to scan can now be scanned more completely and in higher density ten times faster than before. In-field pre-alignment now cuts the office time by an equal amount.



一旦注册,数据将在许多产品中的可交付生产下游移动。bob综合app下载用户可以选择以行业标准格式发布其数据,这些格式可以以第三方设计软件包或Leica Geosystems的通用格式-LGS使用。这些LGS文件由Leica Jetstream技术允许用户访问其所有项目数据,包括积分,图像和补充信息(地理标签,元数据等),而无需在整个现实捕获工具链中而没有导入和加载时间。bob综合app赌博许多用户选择通过所选的设计包中直接处理这些文件。CloudWorx为了访问这些插件提供的独特现实捕获工具集,bob综合app赌博同时利用LGS文件提供的速度和简单性。对于想要一个多合一可交付解决方案的用户,用于现实捕获设计的目的bob综合app赌博狮子旋风3DR于2019年启动。Cyclone3DR融合了Jetstream Technology的集中式云云管理功能,具有自动点云分析和建模功能,成为一个基于工作流的简单,基于工作流的软件。工作流程包含用于测量,施工和坦克检查应用的量身定制工具。


激光扫描行业(尤其是在BIM市场)的主要挑战是如何大规模收集和渲染数据。Leica Geosystems提供了多种激光扫描仪,配备了很好的处理项目和数据。RTC360是一种传统的固定3D激光扫描仪,每秒可捕获多达200万点,并在不到2分钟内完成扫描。RTC360还包括获得专利的视觉惯性系统(VIS技术),该系统跟踪用户的移动,并自动预先一致扫描以减少甚至消除对用户输入的需求。这些创新使用户可以在现场收集的一天中收集数据 - 数据处理软件的独特挑战。

Conversely, theLeica Blk2gowith its untethered design takes its design cues from Leica Geosystems mobile scanning product family and packages it into a hand-held, single-button package perfect for BIM, construction and survey applications. The BLK2GO’s unique design allows users to move freely, capturing large spaces quickly without time spent setting up the scanner.

这两种扫描仪都可以轻松地生产具有数十亿点和trabytes数据的项目。因此,Cyclone旨在处理该量表的数据,并准备将其准备在Leica Geosystems和常见的设计软件包中,例如Autodesk和Bentley等常见的设计包中使用下游消费。bob综合app下载


速度对项目成功变得越来越重要。Cyclone可以充分利用该现场的工作用户DO,以使用RTC360的VIS技术和Cyclone Field 360进行对齐扫描,然后根据用户的工作站规格应用多线程和多核处理,以快速有效地导入数据。在大多数情况下,预先对准的项目需要用户最少的输入才能最终确定 - 减少在办公室注册数据所花费的时间并为下游使用准备。

当然,项目成功不仅是要快速完成,而且要正确完成。可交付成果仅与他们基于的注册一样准确。为此,数据验证已用Truslicer简化了,该数据允许用户对其沿X,Y和Z轴的注册质量进行视觉检查。旋风注册360also introduced a unique quality reporting toolset that makes the accuracy of a project apparent when viewing and editing a project all the way through to the final publishing step. The quality of a registration between any two setups is represented within the 3D data as links of red, yellow or green colour, while the overall quality of the project is summarised with a simple error metric table. For those who want to dig deep into their data quality, tabular tables are available via option in the Report area or in the Review&Optimise area.

气旋注册360是建立在地方抛光工艺ogy which supports ultra-high speed rendering without the load times or lag that can bog down users with big datasets. These advances ensure users can move quickly from data import to registration and navigate their projects quickly for maximum productivity.

狮子旋风family is created end-to-end by Leica Geosystems - all of its components work hand-in-hand from data capture to deliverable to reduce common workflow obstacles and keep users working, not waiting.


在设计整体旋风工作流程时,我们密切关注其易用性。从第一天开始,我们就知道我们将为下一代现实捕获用户建造这些产品 - 几十年来一直没有测量师bob综合app下载的人。bob综合app赌博这些用户期望我们所有决定的基础表现和简单水平。通过这种方法,我们设计了旋风产品,以便即使是非技术用户也可以立即提高生产力。bob综合app下载但是,这种理念使所有用户受益 - 不仅是新的转换。

创新我们首创的例子包括in-field pre-alignment, visual registration, automatic registration, automated cleaning routines, guided workflows and client-ready report templates that take a lot of the guesswork out of capturing good data, preparing it for consumption and producing deliverables. Each of these innovations has built upon Leica Geosystems’ 20 years of experience in laser scanning.

在该行业的婴儿期,激光扫描具有40度的视野,过去需要几个小时来捕获一次360扫描,而没有目标,注册是一项漫长而艰难的工作,需要非常专业的技能和非常专业的技能和强大的计算机。Leica Geosystems开创了针对性和无目标云到云的高精度的启发,使注册任务成为视觉和直观的过程。现在可以在几天内捕获花费数周到几个月的大型工作,并使用最新的Leica Geosystems激光扫描仪自动注册。RTC360激光扫描仪内部使用Cyclone Field 360的现场预注册和VIS技术等创新,结合使用视觉注册的功能强大的多线程旋风寄存器360软件,使以前的技术,非常熟练,高技能的工作与拖动匹配一样简单拼图片一起。

Not everyone who is part of a project team needs or wants to interact with data through a specialised product. For those users, Leica Geosystems offers simple viewers that can either be accessed online or on their desktop. TruView, which allows dimensionally correct, photorealistic digital reality data can be easily viewed by anyone at any level, at any location and on any device. Users can navigate, measure, Markup and append additional information to projects in the form of GeoTags allowing them to collaborate on reality capture projects internally or with external contractors and clients. Likewise, JetStream Viewer offers and immersive desktop viewing experience for users that is compatible with LGS files. Users can navigate in full 3D or from within setup positions to view the point cloud, imagery, GeoTags and Markups, plus, with the latest release (2020.1), users can load design models into the viewer to conduct visual QA of as-built conditions against design models, visualise new components or buildings in-situ or create crime scene visualisations. In these viewers, we have prioritised simplicity and ease of use by distilling the toolset to the key functions of visualisation, navigation and collaboration.

The Leica Cyclone workflow brings efficiency and productivity to the entire reality capture process. Leica Geosystems’ renowned accuracy is integral to Cyclone. This legacy for accuracy is paired with innovations that simplify the user’s workflow for projects of any size and the result is a simple workflow that guides users through their project, reduces common hurdles and helps users deliver professional, accurate results quickly so users can deliver greater value to their clients.

Guy Cutting
高级产品经理,Leica Cyclone

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