

Leica UAV brings efficiency to construction monitoring

monitoring the construction site

卡塞尔(Kassel)是德国最具活力和成长中的城市之一,他正面临几个大型建筑工地,以达到苛刻的任务。尤其是城市及其周围地区对住宅物业和工业庄园的需求日益增长,塑造了市政当局面临的每个计划过程。近似建筑量超过7000万欧元,覆盖136公顷的区域,对该地区最大的建筑项目的开发范围范围很高。计划出售靠近高速公路A49的第一区域,需要有效的时间管理。使用Leica Geosystems无人机(UAV)解决方案,以清楚地了解站点的进度有助于保持按计划。


To coordinate 40 construction workers and 18 earthmoving machines on site, perfect planning and a steady stream of information is necessary to get a clear view over current tasks. A typical task of surveyors to support the construction management is the providing of precise geo-data and scrutiny of moved masses. Using the collected data, economic and environmental alternatives can be shown to decision makers to increase sustainability and efficiency.

High resolution digital cameras attached to UAVs is becoming more and more a credible alternative in surveying and mapping to traditional terrestrial methods. Using photogrammetry, for many a formerly unloved field of education, allows you to take up large areas of interest within a very short span, so it is getting more into the focus of engineers. Highly detailed point clouds, orthophotos and digital elevation models (DEMs) are possible results that can be created with Leica Geosystems UAVs. With additional software solutions, there is even the possibility to create high precise stereophonic pictures.

用AIBOT X6监视建筑工地


In addition to the traditional ways of surveying the construction site, an airborne long-term monitoring was done with an UAV. With the aim to support the conventional surveying services in geo data collection, particularly to control and document the moved masses, qualitative and quantitative proofing and inventory control were the main tasks done with the Leica Geosystems UAV solution. Highest accuracy, fast availability of the collected data and increased safety go hand in hand with reducing costs and surveying a site without any interruption of the ongoing workflows. Additional challenges were vegetation, machinery and working materials in the receiving area. These are also recorded by the UAV sensor technology and must be edited during the evaluation.

用AIBOT X6监视建筑工地


Special software was used to perform flight planning before the first flight since comparable data were generated and the flight plan did not change over the period. The user is supported by the use of map material and camera-databases for best photogrammetric flight planning. The requirements on accuracy and cost as well as the required repetitive recording of the construction field required an optimal use of the available technology and compliance with standardised workflows. Before any flight was done, ground control points (GCP) had to be measured to precisely adjust the collected data. The use of a RTK-capable GNSS receiver on the UAV for high-precision direct georeferencing of image data, for the project meant a reduction of expense to a minimum and a clear time saving. In the present case, only one GCP was used to eliminate possible residual errors in the camera calibration. The detailed preparation and the standardised workflows with the UAV ensured a small time effort for the actual flights. With only two flights, a partial area of the total construction project of 15 ha could be surveyed in a very short time. The high-resolution photos with a centimeter-accurate georeferencing were fed into Agisoft PhotoScan for evaluation. Within only three hours after the flight, the customers were able to get the results of the flights in the form of a georeferenced point cloud as well as an orthophoto for further evaluation. The point clouds were further processed with Leica Infinity office software after the first analysis of the data quality.

using the Aibot x6 for long-term monitoring of a construction site


通过使用Leica Geosystems UAV,可以每周对建筑项目进行完整而准确的条件调查,而无需进入现场并在潜在的危险区域中移动并扰乱了正在进行的过程。

除了完整的施工过程和3D文档外,还使用了每平方米100点的点云来记录质量运动,并对重机进行的土方进行准确检查。干扰植被以及机器和材料可以在短时间内从计算中手动去除。高分辨率的正尾可以分辨率为每个像素1 cm的分辨率用于区域,长度和批次确定,并代表了出色的概述。

The repetitive recording at the site will take place until the end of construction. With more than 50 planned recordings or with the UAV, more than 10,000 individual photos are recorded and processed. These data alone will require terabyte data storage.

支持ing the officials with the collected data, the smooth processing and the speed of available data, the UAV proves itself as a valuable and important technique to survey the site during every construction phase.

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