
在Leica Geosystems,我们致力于通过创建移动,敏捷和高效的产品来提供最佳的测量技术并塑造智能变化 - 就像bob综合app下载飞马:背包

在这个新的专家见解部分中,Leica Geosystems的移动映射产品线经理Alessandro Nuzzo详细解释了此可穿戴现实捕获解决方案的技术,工作流和应用程序。bob综合app赌博

什么是Leica Pegasus:背包?

飞马:背包is a disruptive wearable tool enabling users to capture reality faster, spending less time in the field while differentiating their business model with new applications in where and how they capture reality.

Can you explain the integrated technologies of the Pegasus:Backpack?

The core technology centres on navigation. We distinguish indoor and outdoor missions. For outdoors, integrating a multiple band GNSS receiver leverages all available GNSS satellites from around the globe to achieve a high sigma confidence in terms of positioning accuracy. Furthermore, we have the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) consisting of three gyroscopes and three accelerometres that compensates the movements while walking and collecting data.


In addition to the trajectory, we have two LiDARs collecting 600,000 points per second and five automatic exposure controlled, high dynamic cameras with 4 MPix resolution each – enabling feature extraction over LiDAR or measurements over accurate photogrammetry. All the data are stored inside an integrated multi-core industrial PC with one terabyte solid-state drive storage in order to save long missions easily.



We started with a strong experience matured in Pegasus:Two, where we knew how to precisely manage GNSS and IMU data to calculate the trajectory and synchronise the LiDAR and imagery into a seamless data output. We set our target high and wanted the Pegasus:Backpack to become the first commercially wearable and indoor capable system available.




很明显 - 产品的破坏性特征。从未来派产品设计到使用碳纤维,以减轻体重并增加人体工程学。继续使用嵌入式技术,双重动力,五台高动态摄像头,IMU和SLAM导航技术,它是现代测量师的独特数据收集工具。



前提是要有一个距数据收集位置或HXGN SmartNet覆盖范围15公里以内的Master GNSS站。数据收集不需要测量师技能 - 可以简单地由训练有素的操作员完成。

操作员打开系统,并将通过Wi-Fi或LAN的平板电脑连接到数据采集模块运行的内部PC - 这是用于数据采集的仪表板。在开始捕获之前,操作员需要首先静态地初始化系统,然后走一分钟的夫妻。确定位置后,他将启动数据收集,并通过平板电脑完全控制,在那里他可以实时监视图像,激光雷达单元和GNSS信号强度。任务完成后,操作员将进行静态末端对齐阶段并关闭任务。

The post processing workflow is highly automated. By simply inserting an USB Key into the Pegasus:Backpack, all data can be downloaded and is ready for post processing. Operators can pre-select the deliverables and launch the post processing calculation – there is no need to supervise the process. A powerful tool to interface with the SLAM algorithm is embedded directly within the post processing software. It enables the visualisation, and if needed, the correction of the SLAM navigation before processing and completing the dataset.

支持并可以出口所有行业标准文件格式,例如LAS,PTS和E57。根据用于提取功能提取的软件解决方案,Pegasus软件套件本地生成3D点云和ESRI ARCMAP或AUTODESK AUTOCAD的图像。

For what applications can the Pegasus:Backpack be used?

The system’s flexibility and ease of use is expanding the applications, going from the most common, for example, professional Building Information Modelling (BIM) documentation, surveying, asset collection, underground infrastructure maintenance, disaster recovery, and safety and security, to more digital reality oriented applications, like industrial training, accidents simulation and urban planning.




At 3,000 m high, with strong wind, and temperatures around 0 degrees Celsius, a skier was wearing the Pegasus:Backpack and collected the necessary data to calculate a digital terrain model (DTM) that was fed into a Leica iCON controlled snow machine to prepare a perfect slope for the speed attempt.

另一个非常令人印象深刻的应用是巴黎下水道的数据收集,这是人类和设备极具挑战性的环境。使用Pegasus:背包和可选的手电筒模块,我们收集了一个从未见过的视角 - 在一个单个3D数据集中,城市表面及其建筑物和街道以及下水道地下结构。手电筒模块交付了清晰的图像,揭示了墙壁上所有手动喷涂的音符。这些信息从未在任何地表地图中进行地理化,也不可见。通过图像,有可能认识到需要维护的地方,以确保持续的公共服务避免意外停电。



Various customers are using the data for urban area survey, where city centres are only accessible by walking and are closed to traffic or public transportation. An extraordinary application in India is the mapping of overcrowded urban districts. This project provided a detailed cadastral map of the thousands of unknown huts, giving to the habitants an address, name and dignity.

电力公司正在收集高压电源线以绘制基础架构,分析两个电线之间的电缆下垂,并验证植被是否阻碍通行权 - 确保高水平的网络服务可用性。其他人则充分利用Pegasus:背包室内功能并收集整个建筑物,从文档和每个房间进行了正方平方米的验证。最近,意大利民政使用Pegasus:背包迅速获取概述,并在地震发生后正确计划了意大利破坏性城市的恢复。所有这些数据用例都具有LIDAR,图像和大满贯或导航提供的倍数信息层的优势。

Leica Pegasus:背包最近在英国广播公司(BBC)的意大利无形城市系列中刊登。您能告诉我们更多有关如何Leica Pegasus:两个and the Leica Pegasus:Backpack played a major role in revealing the secrets of these fascinating Italian cities?


When we were in Venice capturing the canals on a boat with Pegasus:Two, within one day we collected more than 10 km of 3D point cloud and thousands of images in one single capture. We didn’t have to close scanning areas, no curious tourists disturbed the collection - we simply sailed under bridges to be able to generate a new “canal view” perspective that would have been impossible with traditional capturing methods. The flexibility, in terms of vehicle and power source independence, made the difference.

在那不勒斯,佛罗伦萨和比萨,挑战是不同的。由于许多历史悠久的欧洲城市,市中心人口稠密,交通封闭,宫殿阻碍了GNSS信号。在那不勒斯,我们收集了地下洞穴,在佛罗伦萨和比萨,我们捕获了室内。仅依靠GNSS/ IMU的技术将无法收集数据 - 使用Pegasus:Backpack,这是一款主场游戏。通过使用SLAM,我们逐步收集并进行了所有数据,从而无需扫描注册提供了全面的3D数据集。通过仅穿着12公斤的浅色飞马:背包,我们在15分钟内捕获了Pisa塔的完整螺旋楼梯,其293台阶。


技术不能仅视为硬件或传感器集成。相关的软件工作流程和处理速度同样重要。在那里,我们将集中精力并决定是否需要其他信息层来开发正确的答案以满足市场需求 - 一层可以预测准确性并帮助用户提供最高准确性,甚至在离开办公室之前。


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