bob综合app赌博现实捕获在国家地理失落的城市与阿尔伯特·林(Albert Lin)中扮演着重要角色


作者:Duncan M B Lees

一部针对国家地理的开创性新电视连续剧结合了高科技科学,令人叹为观止的视觉效果和真正的探索,使一些最非凡的古代地点栩栩如生。失落的城市with Albert Linfrom Blakeway Productions follows the explorer Dr. Albert Yu-Min Lin as he uncovers new insights about forgotten cities and cultures.

High-definition 3D mapping specialistsVisualskies被引入以在位置提供定制的3D扫描服务,并为节目创建空间数据可视化。Visualskies 3D扫描专家Duncan M B Lees解释说:“我们与Albert和Blakeway Crew紧密合作,基于科学方法来开发一种叙事,以收集空间数据。结果是一系列雄心勃勃的节目,通过我们的高科技图像提供强大的情感故事。”

To bring the mysteries of the past vividly into focus in the present, Visualskies usedLeica Geosystemslaser scanning解决方案。



Visualskies将扫描设备的自定义组合组合在一起,包括Leica ScanStation P50long range 3D terrestrial laser scanner, the highly portableLeica RTC3603D激光扫描仪和狮子旋风和3dreshaper(旋风3dr)点云处理软件。

Meeting challenging weather conditions and inaccessible terrain


Accessing Ciudad Perdida (literally 'Lost City') in Santa Marta, Colombia, required a lengthy journey involving first planes and helicopters, then hiking, with the team carrying everything they needed themselves. Lees explains, “Our first impression of the extant remains of the Lost City was a spectacular aerial view that underlined just how difficult it was going to be to document the city and the vast landscape around Ciudad Perdida.”


这些困难之一是茂密的植被。Lees解释说:“由于整个内华达州内华达山脉的郁郁葱葱的树木覆盖物,大多数泰Rrona综合体(在Ciudad Perdida中)几乎看不见完全是传统的调查技术。”

该团队在后处理中结合了空中和陆地扫描技术和3Dreshaper(Cyclone 3DR),以实现其目标。“这是用于清洁,细分和过滤点云的完美解决方案,用于许多3D建模和检查可交付成果。3Dreshaper使我们能够剥离树盖并可视化下面的内容;这对我们进行的许多项目产生了令人震惊的影响。”


Along with geographical constraints, Visualskies needed to survey quickly, to meet a tight travel schedule and tight film production deadlines. “The schedule for the whole失落的城市series was incredibly compact; with digitally documenting the numerous sites, visualising the remains and filming the whole programme all being undertaken in one relatively short concurrent timescale,” explains Lees.

使用的设备需要快速设置和易于使用,从而减少了团队承受的压力和压力。扫描仪P50和RTC360都是快速扫描仪。使用ScanStation P50,团队能够在Jordan的Khirbet Al -Darieh捕获整个网站 - 并在一天之内就可以准备好进行播放的3D模型。

李说,“RTC360已经变化的游戏g addition to our 3D reality capture capabilities. We can now collect over twice as much data in any working shift or, more importantly, halve our time capturing data at any location.” The speed of processing software is equally as important. Lees continues, “Cyclone can process huge amounts of terrestrial laser scanning data - hundreds of individual scanner setups resulting in many hundreds of millions of individual points - enabling the registration, manipulation and analysis of the resulting geospatial point cloud dataset with ease.”

“在使用激光扫描和3D建模失落的城市with Albert Lin不仅对观众着迷,而且还具有真正的考古价值。” Lees说。例如,在Pohnpaip的太平洋岛上,Visualskies船员扫描了一个非凡的收藏,其中700多个史前图案雕刻成自然的玄武岩露台。“通过创建岩画的3D模型,我们使阿尔伯特和船员澄清了褪色的岩画的确切形式,详细研究它们并与太平洋其他地方的其他古老雕刻进行了比较。”

该计划的工作为Visualskies创造了一个新的方向,使他们为电视和电影业开发了开创性的侦察工具。应于2021年1月官方发布VSSCOUThas been designed as a tool-kit to aid productions to explore locations in a radically immersive manner, whilst simultaneously collecting rich geomatic data that can be utilised across departments enabling all crew to access the site remotely.




Laser Scanning Industry Applications
