Surveying solutions

From roads to buildings, from bridges to industrial plants, and everything in between, surveying is a vital need in today’s modernised and globalised civilisation. Explore the technology to achieve the most accurate measurements and up-to-date data to shape and build a better world.

Standardise your field software with Leica Captivate

跨GNS和TPS设备发现全包测量现场软件。Leica Caintivate Field软件提供了完成所有字段任务所需的功能。通过现场设计模型的沉浸式3D渲染以及具有易于使用的触摸技术的熟悉应用程序,Caintivate可确保该领域的最大生产率。
跨GNS和TPS设备发现全包测量现场软件。Leica Caintivate Field软件提供了完成所有字段任务所需的功能。通过现场设计模型的沉浸式3D渲染以及具有易于使用的触摸技术的熟悉应用程序,Caintivate可确保该领域的最大生产率。

Leica Infinity-无限连接的办公软件

与用户友好的Office软件相遇,以供测量师和测量专业人员。对无限的投资,确保从总站,数字水平,GNS​​S和无人驾驶飞机(UAV)的管理,处理,分析和质量保证。bob apple无缝连接到田地,并重现在现场测量的结果。
与用户友好的Office软件相遇,以供测量师和测量专业人员。对无限的投资,确保从总站,数字水平,GNS​​S和无人驾驶飞机(UAV)的管理,处理,分析和质量保证。bob apple无缝连接到田地,并重现在现场测量的结果。

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3D laser scanning solutions for surveyors

Leica Geosystems的3D激光扫描解决方案为测量师打开了竞争优势,从而捕获任何在任何环境中生产率最高的复杂几何形状。无论您是捕获,处理,提取功能还是与数据合作,我们完整的工作流解决方案都符合任何测量项目的需求。
Leica Geosystems的3D激光扫描解决方案为测量师打开了竞争优势,从而捕获任何在任何环境中生产率最高的复杂几何形状。无论您是捕获,处理,提取功能还是与数据合作,我们完整的工作流解决方案都符合任何测量项目的需求。

The best total station for every job

From the highest accuracy to standard accuracy, and from fully automated to manually operated, a total station is available for all applications. With a wide selection of total stations running Leica Captivate, it’s possible to deploy the best total station for the job without re-training personnel or changing workflows.
From the highest accuracy to standard accuracy, and from fully automated to manually operated, a total station is available for all applications. With a wide selection of total stations running Leica Captivate, it’s possible to deploy the best total station for the job without re-training personnel or changing workflows.

Leading GNSS technology

Leica GeoSystems通过真正的倾斜补偿和集成的视觉定位开发了GNSS天线,从而使视觉测量点可以用极尖端达到。所有GNSS解决方案都具有相同的迷人用户体验,高质量的支持,服务和培训。
Leica GeoSystems通过真正的倾斜补偿和集成的视觉定位开发了GNSS天线,从而使视觉测量点可以用极尖端达到。所有GNSS解决方案都具有相同的迷人用户体验,高质量的支持,服务和培训。

Monitoring solutions

Start with simple, manual solutions, and scale up into more complex, automated monitoring solutions. Regardless of the environment or the object that requires monitoring, Leica Geosystems' sensors, software and services collect, process and report deformations, allowing experts to make critical decisions to save lives and assets.
Start with simple, manual solutions, and scale up into more complex, automated monitoring solutions. Regardless of the environment or the object that requires monitoring, Leica Geosystems' sensors, software and services collect, process and report deformations, allowing experts to make critical decisions to save lives and assets.


Leica Geosystems提供了广泛的服务,可确保最有效的设备使用。服务范围从HXGN SMARTNET测量校正,通过CCP的在线学习等通过Leica Exchange进行安全云数据传输服务,支持和维护。
Leica Geosystems提供了广泛的服务,可确保最有效的设备使用。服务范围从HXGN SMARTNET测量校正,通过CCP的在线学习等通过Leica Exchange进行安全云数据传输服务,支持和维护。

Engineering surveying equipment



只有Leica Geosystems拥有200年的帮助测量师的经验。找出我们如何通过高级质量测量和定位解决方案和服务来为您提供支持。
只有Leica Geosystems拥有200年的帮助测量师的经验。找出我们如何通过高级质量测量和定位解决方案和服务来为您提供支持。

Grow your business

Discover how embracing digitalisation with technologies and processes can support your business to create new opportunities, stay competitive and improve productivity.
Discover how embracing digitalisation with technologies and processes can support your business to create new opportunities, stay competitive and improve productivity.

Surveying solutions


Improve your skills

Learn the skills to be more efficient and react to business opportunities. Unlock your potential to offer better, faster and more specialised services to your clients.
Learn the skills to be more efficient and react to business opportunities. Unlock your potential to offer better, faster and more specialised services to your clients.