


作者:Karina Lykke Lumholt
视频专家:Pamela Almeida

An area of about 10 hectares/25 acres is right now being excavated in Odense, Denmark, before being laid out for construction. Odense City Museums and their large team of archaeologists are responsible for researching, excavating, and preserving the prehistory of the area, and curator Jakob Bonde is leading the excavation.



The digging of search trenches commences an archaeological excavation to get a sideways (layered) view of the deposits. This establishes if there are archaeological objects or material in the area and places them in chronological order.

If archaeological finds are discovered on site after the initial examination, an excavator will meticulously remove the topsoil. Thomas Petersen from the company Fuglsanggård is specialised in using an excavator equipped with Leica iXE3 machine control for archaeological projects.

Jakob Bonde

大约四年前,我们开始与托马斯合作。他拥有这种设备对我们非常有帮助,因为当我们不必衡量所有内容时,这使我们的工作变得更加容易。他可以帮助我们阐明测试沟和我们将要挖掘的区域,当我们完成时,我们再次将所有内容弄清楚,” says Jakob.

It takes finesse to use an excavator for archaeology projects

The excavator carefully removes the topsoil, and if the archaeologists find something, the Leica GS12 GNSS antenna and the CS15 controller are used to digitally record the exact positions of the find and report it back to the museum. Wooden pegs are placed in the soil so the archaeologists can look for traces of houses, pits, wells and graves in the designated area.

Thomas Petersen

I am trained in spotting the post holes, urn graves, or other graves. I know what the archaeologists are looking for, and I can stop the excavator before digging into something important. It demands patience and sense in order not to dig too deep,托马斯·彼得森说。

托马斯(ThomasLeica ConxMC1software on the in-cabin control panel. He uses the machine control solution to log all heights of the area with the excavator’s bucket and the function创建模型in MC1 to create a surface model on the fly. The advantage is that he knows exactly how much material to fill back and where, once the excavation is finished.

在Leica MC1上创建模型

Logging of points to create a surface model.



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Leica iCON iXE3 - 3D System

挖掘机guidance for 2D & 3D application: laser, GNSS or TPS.
挖掘机guidance for 2D & 3D application: laser, GNSS or TPS.

Leica IXE3的半自动挖掘机3

The new semi-automatic functionality for Leica iXE2/iXE3 excavator machine control solutions helps the operator by automating the movement of the boom, bucket, tilt bucket and tilt rotator functions which simplifies the operator’s work.

The new semi-automatic functionality for Leica iXE2/iXE3 excavator machine control solutions helps the operator by automating the movement of the boom, bucket, tilt bucket and tilt rotator functions which simplifies the operator’s work.


Read more about how machine control helps archaeology.

Read more about how machine control helps archaeology.