
作者:Penny Boviatsou

The greatness of Khmer Empire as well as its importance as part of the Cambodian cultural heritage is just beginning to unfold. The most extensive airborne laser scanning campaign ever conducted on an archaeological project revealed a massive complex of ancient cities buried in the Cambodian jungle.

LiDAR is proving to be a catalyst for a better understanding of our history. The innovative technology is transforming archaeology and is fast becoming a powerful tool for archaeologists; the lasers can penetrate overlying vegetation and cover swaths of ground extremely faster than they could be studied on foot.


Hidden but not forgotten


  • 高棉考古激光雷达联盟(KALC)于2012年4月和
  • Cambodia Archaeology LiDAR Initiative (CALI) in April 2015 decided to widen the perspective beyond conventional methods to Khmer history and archaeology.

这两个项目均由PT Map Map Tiga Interalsioniation(PTMI-以前是McElhanney Indonesia)的FranciscoGonçalves和Chris Cromarty设计,这是一家位于雅加达的公司,可提供空中地图和调​​查专业知识。

这些项目的前提是,LiDar可以提供隐藏在树冠下的关键信息,以充分评估高棉文明在东南亚,特别是在柬埔寨的程度和影响。为了实现目标,弗朗西斯科·冈卡维斯(Francisco Goncalves),罗兰·弗莱彻(Roland Fletcher)教授和达米安·埃文斯(Damian Evans)博士之间的几个会议工具位置。这些使PTMI了解景观和植被挑战,在收购之前还计划了现场访问。

PTMI购买了Leica Geosystems的LiDAR和数字航空摄影传感器,为研究人员提供高分辨率的空中图像以及高密度地面LIDAR指向考古学家,同时扫描柬埔寨丛林。

第一个发现是在2012年与达米安·埃文斯(Damian Evans)和财团的同事密切合作的2012年。通过驾驶装有吊舱的直升机,配备了波形数据捕获的Leica Lidar扫描仪和一台Leica Digital Perialial摄像头,PTMI收集了数据,证实了Mahedraparvata的存在,Mahedraparvata是一座古老的寺庙城市,其存在已有数十年了。

The recently analysed data, captured in 2015 duringthe most extensive airborne study ever undertaken by an archaeological project, uncovered the total scale of the Khmer Empire’s urban extent and found the temple complexes to be extremely greater than was previously believed.




Francisco Gonçalves and Chris Chromarty walked areas planned for LiDAR and DAP acquisition, and studied the terrain and vegetation under tree cover and the type of archaeological features the LiDAR could detect.

“Archaeology fascinates me,”PTMI总裁FranciscoGonçalves说。“隐藏了什么秘密,我们的祖先在其中建造了城市以及为什么放弃了城市。通过Leica Geosystems技术穿透柬埔寨丛林,我们能够获取LiDar Point数据,这些数据不仅揭示了土地景观的结构,还可以揭示结构,道路,运河,结构基础和农业露台。”

PTMI使用Leica Geosystems的LiDAR映射系统来扫描柬埔寨丛林。该公司使用LiDAR技术收集了数据,这些技术渗透到茂密的柬埔寨森林和茂密的植被,收集有关土壤表面和地形高程的信息,使考古学家能够在吴哥附近找到广泛的网络痕迹。数码航空摄影与LIDAR数据同时收集。

罗兰·弗莱彻(Roland Fletcher)教授说:“几个世纪以来,农业领域和其他建筑物一直被种植树木藏起来,但激光雷达技术正在改变我们对世界的看法。”“最近被森林砍伐的土地案件挑战了古森林是'原始生态系统'的理论,人们塑造了森林所在的景观数千年。”

All LiDAR data was acquired using a POD mounted in an AS350 B2 helicopter (HeliStar) based in Cambodia and then adjusted and processed by PTMI using processing workstations equipped with DataPort removable drive carriers, allowing easy movement of the large data files from the aircraft to the processing centre. PTMI planned the data acquisition, adjusted the air imagery and classified the LiDAR into ground and non-ground points. All the results were delivered to CALI where Evans and his team were able to prepare the archaeological analysis.

LiDAR – a new tool for archaeological prospection

LiDAR’s ability to penetrate dense vegetation has meant that the temple complexes and surrounding areas are able to be seen clearly for the first time since the habitation period. With LiDAR-generated maps, subtle topographical changes have traced out road networks, occupation mounds and other urban planning signs that were previously undetectable even from the ground.


Researchers in the archaeological sphere agree these are the most significant archaeological discoveries in recent years.


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