朝着Leica Cyclone Core和Leica Cyclone寄存器的特征奇偶校验360

User Coordinate System (UCS) and Control

狮子旋风REGISTER 360 - USC & Control

This is the first in a series of expert insights focused on bringing Cyclone REGISTER 360into alignment with the popular toolset of Cyclone CORE. Thesecond in this seriesfocuses非结构化数据支持领域中存在的差距

狮子旋风REGISTER 360was released in 2017, originally as a companion to theLeica RTC3603D Reality Capture Solution. Since that time, it has become the registration product of choice for both new users joining the world of reality capture, as well as a significant portion of our legacy users who first began working with reality capture data in狮子旋风REGISTER(核)。然而,由于其无与伦比的处理大量数据集和复杂的注册能力,Cyclone Core仍然是许多用户工作流程中不可或缺的一部分。

在过去的四年s, Cyclone REGISTER 360 has come a long way from its original feature set and the gap that exists between the two products is shrinking rapidly. In this expert insight, I discuss some of the recent improvements made in Cyclone REGISTER 360 that are closing the gap between Cyclone CORE and Cyclone REGISTER 360 as well as some improvements that you can look forward to in future releases.

大多数用户找到简单的用户坐标系(UCS)和Cyclone寄存器360的控制功能足够,但是需要支持Traverse Workflow的用户或目标部分和应用程序的灵活性和应用程序,找到Cyclone Core是更好的选择。。对于专业的测量师,需要更全面的工具需要旋风核心的高级工具,而旋风分离器中的地球发电工具360在控制或将本地UCS设置在捆绑包上的单个捆绑包中很好地工作,例如植物或其他设施。

Cyclone Core仍然是UCS和控制功能的金标准。提供在Leica Geosystems扫描仪(DAC,Traverse等)上利用所有可用功能的调查级控制。根据设计,旋风寄存器360中设置的UCS和控制功能要简单得多。Cyclone寄存器360能够将地理发行应用于组或捆绑设置或单个设置。这是通过导入与至少三个与设置/捆绑包中目标相对应的至少三个坐标预先格式化的文本文件来实现的。

Image 1: four Control points are noted with their label and coordinates.

Cyclone REGISTER 360 also has the ability to apply a UCS to a setup or bundle. Setting Z level combined with setting X axis or Y axis allows the users to apply the desired UCS in most cases. Setting Z level is supported by forming a ground plane and then setting the Z axis or “Up Direction” per setup. Setting the X or Y axis can be achieved by creating a plane on a wall or by using the corner plane creator as shown in image 3.

Image 2: Floor of a basketball court is shown in blue with the plane created with the Z level tool.

Image 3: here the X and Y axis is created by selecting a corner which defines three intersecting planes.

With the 2020.1 release of Cyclone REGISTER 360, we have introduced several features that will allow Cyclone REGISTER 360 to supplant Cyclone CORE for more advanced UCS and Control workflows. All of the below features are designed to bring existing Cyclone CORE features into Cyclone REGISTER 360 while preserving the simplicity of the software. These include:


  • 将控件应用于单个设置或Leica BLK2GOwalk:
  • 使用多个控制文件:
  • 在站点地图中控制以控制:
    Now all setups and bundles imported into Cyclone REGISTER 360 will snap to a Y up or north orientation in the SiteMap and 3D top ortho view.
  • Align bundle to control without labels in bundle (match with geometry of targets):

UCS features:

  • 平面设置水平或Z轴:
    This feature allows the user to create a plane on a floor or flat surface and set the “up” direction or Z axis thereby establishing level for a Setup or Bundle.

  • 乘飞机设置UCS:
    The user can create a plane on a wall and set either the X or Y Axis.

  • Set UCS by pic:
    Allows the user to pick any point cloud point and enter the desired coordinates to transform the bundle or Setup.

  • 将UCS选择和飞机设置
  • 在云查看器中创建UCS:

  • Region grow corner for identification of room corners to assign coordinates:
    Allows the user to automatically create corner planes and establish a corner coordinate for UCS creation.

  • Easy-to-use dialog for UCS creation:

Future releases will see further improvements to these two workflows including flexible control file import, setting UCS by selection of Targets, setting UCS by line creation (i.e. line drawn on the bottom of a wall) and applying control using target heights.

旋风里吉斯添加这些特性的目标TER 360 is to reach complete parity between Cyclone REGISTER 360 and Cyclone CORE to support established users in making the switch but also to introduce new users to the powerful benefits that these advanced features can have on their accuracy and efficiency. Cyclone REGISTER 360, while more powerful in visual registration and import, still needs to be updated with all the relevant features in Cyclone CORE to give our customers flexibility but still maintain ease of use. We are committed to reaching the stage of feature parity in the coming years in order to bring all users over to our next generation products and focus all of our development efforts on Cyclone REGISTER 360.

Many current Cyclone REGISTER 360 users may believe that advanced UCS and Control workflows are unnecessary for their work, however we believe that all users can benefit from these tools.

Using georeferencing allows for the transformation of the 3D coordinates in a registration. Applications include locating the registration on a virtual globe (similar to Google earth), or combining a registration with another set of data that is also in real world coordinates, likewise, georeferenced data supports many plant and manufacturing environment applications where it is vital to match coordinates systems between point clouds and 3D models.



项目的规模气旋注册360 will continue to be improved. As of the 2021.0.0 release, Cyclone REGISTER 360 can handily work with projects up to 2,000 setups. The objective is to reach support for up to 5,000 setups per project. In a similar vein, referencing projects together without having to merge them will allow for large data handling while preserving the usability of Cyclone REGISTER 360.

Support for new laser scanners and new formats will remain a key focus of Cyclone REGISTER 360 development with an eye towards support unstructured data formats for mobile scanning. LAS and other ASCII formatted point clouds will be supported. In parallel, improvements to import speeds will be pursued.

Likewise, additional export formats and speed improvements will be seen on the downstream side of the Cyclone REGISTER 360 workflow.

As Cyclone REGISTER 360 gains features, however, its ease of use cannot be compromised. We are committed not only to transferring tools from Cyclone CORE to Cyclone REGISTER 360, but to improve their usability by harnessing smart automation where possible and relying upon guided workflows and wizard-based dialogs where automation is not possible.

我们鼓励用户成为参与客户反馈计划的道路映射过程的积极组成部分。你可以submit your feedbackand feature requests by clicking the link.

Customer feedback and requests are an important part of our product development plans with between 20-30% of customer suggestions being implemented within a year while others are added to our long-term roadmaps.


Senior Product Manager, Leica Cyclone
Reality Capture Division

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