As-Built Verification

Leica iCON gps 60

最通用的结构天线可满足多种用例的需求。Best return on investment as iCG60 supports rover, base station, and machine control...

Leica Icon CC80

高端7英寸轻型平板电脑已准备好适合最困难的现场条件。支持广泛的高级Leica Icon网站和图标构建应用程序。
高端7英寸轻型平板电脑已准备好适合最困难的现场条件。支持广泛的高级Leica Icon网站和图标构建应用程序。

Leica Icon ICR80

Leica Icon ICR80建筑总站仅在一件事上保持“眼睛”:用户的目标。随着行业领先的ATR+技术,ICR80在充满分心的席位中特别有用,例如反射,机器和人们四处走动。适用于包括机器控制应用在内的所有施工任务。
Leica Icon ICR80建筑总站仅在一件事上保持“眼睛”:用户的目标。With industry leading ATR+ technology the iCR80 is especially useful...

Leica RTC360

Highly portable, automated and efficient 3D laser scanner.
Highly portable, automated and efficient 3D laser scanner.

Leica BLK360

The smallest and easiest-to-use imaging laser scanner in the world.
The smallest and easiest-to-use imaging laser scanner in the world.